SUNDAY: Small Sampling of Kelly's Favorite Art Books (while she is teaching at Stampers Warehouse in Danville):

Inspired: How Creative People Think has been sitting on my shelf since it first came out. It's one of the few $50+ books that I could not leave the bookstore without. I think you guys know by now that I'm a huge fan of the whole "creative process" and I LOVE seeing other people's journals...this is kinda like that. Artists (of all kinds) and glimpses into their thought processes. Not for everyone but I love it. Check it out the next time you are at the bookstore...

I apologize I still can't post the darn photos from here! GRRR.

It's 10:30 and I taught my second full day of workshops it was AWESOME as usual. I LOVE Stampers Warehouse. I LOVE the group there-GREAT day of classes.

Hey, Alix, Georgia, Kathy and Terrece for an awesome dinner at Max's. Oh man, the laughs were worth the whole trip. Can't wait to go back!! Tomorrow's my last day. Margaret, we're missing you!!!! Vivian & Dana-hope you guys are well-missed seeing you both!!

I'm off to watch Mad TV and SNL...
