Small Sampling of Kelly's Favorite Books (while she is teaching at Stampers Warehouse in Danville):

John Copeland's catalog is like holding a small treasure in your hand. Like the amazing Juliana Coles, he was a student of the fabulous Barron Storey. Yet each has their own style. I get goosebumps just thinking of the artwork. Raw. In your face. Honest. Extreme. Layered. Just some of the words that I think of when describing his work. I am eagerly awaiting a second volume.

Aline Kominsky Crumb interview here.

The latest issue of 3 x 3 is available. I was at Barnes & Noble on Tuesday (buying Anne Lamott's new book) and picked it up. It's $19 and one to see before you buy....

I didn't buy this but I am hoping to soon!! If it didn't have a $40 price tag, I would've snatched it up as it has not only Barron Storey but David Choe, James Jean and more in it...I am hoping it is still at the store when I go back...

Latest issue of Juxtapoz is out. Lots of yummy artwork and glimpses into an artists' studio...YUM. $5 ya can't go wrong. Skip the coffee and grab the magazine instead!

I'm leaving for Danville in an hour. I will try to check email if I can but will be updating my blog daily (either David, Tristan or ME will be doing it). Have a great weekend and stay tuned for more books...
UPDATE: From a story I posted a couple of weeks ago from Democracy now on KEVIN. Kevin is free but there are still over 200 children (and their parents) detained in Taylor, TX.


Anonymous said…
Thank you for the yummy book review. Will hit the shopping button now. Your daily updates are most appreciated--always look forward to checking in with your blog during the day.
Muki in Bay Area
suzi finer said…
Tristan updating your blog?
I love it!
Have a fun, safe journey.
Shari Beaubien said…
Have a wonderful and safe trip, Kelly! Hugs, Shari
Anonymous said…
Kelly - I clicked on the John Copeland link and it was quite the sight *giggle*
You KNOW I ordered the book, donchya, hunh???
