My Wish For...

me is that I'd stop falling! I fell (again! Second time in a week) walking home from taking Tristan to school. I was by myself. The sidewalks are often bumpy (because of roots, lack of care, etc...). So, at one point, I ducked to avoid a spiderweb (BIG ass web) and as I ducked, my foot hit the uprooted pavement at the wrong angle and WHOMP. My big ass was on the ground. GRR! Bloody, bruised, bewildered and bullshit, I got up right away. I looked around to see if anyone had seen anything ('cause unlike Britney, I wear underwear!). There were two guys standing there (one with a kid) do you think they said anything to me (nooooooooo). I limped home and started bawling like a baby. I hate falling. I hate blood. I hate being hurt. Luckily, my husband is a sweetheart and took care of me. No big BIG bandages in the house, he made me a big bandage with paper towels and an old sock. Too funny. So I am fine. I am always watching the sidewalk (weird habit I've had since I was little) so it frustrates me that this is the second time I've fallen because of the sidewalk (last week, I didn't hit the ground but hurt my foot on a dirt covered rock that was on the ground and I didn't see it.

Oh joy of joys my idiot neighbor has decided to blast his radio as I type. Lucky me. He wants to share his music with us.

On to the good news, I finished my little book. The last three pages are what you see above. I've shared every single page (the good, the bad and the ugly) with all of you these last few months. I hope you've enjoyed seeing them (as much as I've enjoyed working on them).

The little girl image came from a magazine ad. The hands were from a Yoga magazine. The "Om" symbol is an Anahata Katkin image from one of her Spare Parts books. The pens I used are the Sharpie poster paint pens (black and white) and the Sakura Gelly Roll glaze (black) and the Sakura Souffle pens (blue, purple and yellow).

Funny thing is, I was going to just collage the last page but ended up writing on it...I wanted the images in this book to be able to "speak" for themselves but felt compelled to write about what happened as I worked in the book so that's what that is!

I'm off to rest my sore bod. I am not walking ANYWHERE unless someone is holding my hand from now on (LOL!). Maybe I'll go to the paper store...that'll make me feel better (VBG).

Am teaching Reach For The Scissors, a collage class tomorrow night at Stampin From the Heart in Los Angeles. I think there's still space (310 391 0466) am also doing R.F.T.S and Comp/Design 101: Collage at Violets in Ventura this Saturday (805 648 7610) and the Taped Journal class at The Art Bar Sunday (714 558 2445). Those are the last classes in So CA for the rest of March. I will be in Danville at Stampers Warehouse March 23-25th. Then home again, home again jiggity jig before Tristan and I leave for Boston where I teach at The Stamp Act in Marshfield the last weekend of this month! Have a great day y'all and watch out for sidewalks and spiderwebs...

The children of Guatemala and your food.
Why I love Cornel West and why you should too!


Alix said…
Awww, Kelly, I'm sorry you fell. The "paper towels and an old sock" part reminded me of when I broke my finger and Kathy made me a splint of frozen otter pops (one of the icky flavors) and a paper towel! Good thing we have ingenuous people to take care of us.
Anonymous said…
Kelly, these pages are beautiful!

Did you try the FRO HO recipe yet?? (Frozen Hot Chocolate)

Anonymous said…
Kelly, I'm sorry you had a traumatic engagement with the sidewalk. I wanted to let you know I ordered 1000 journals from Amazon after reading about it in your blog. Got it yesterday, read it and loved it. This evening I went to You have to go there and join and share your journal pages. You'd love it. Traci B interviews Lynn Perella about journalling. Pretty cool. Oh well, off to bed before another grueling day at work tomorrow. Cheers - Amy
beth said…
ok...first, great story. Second, I had to laugh just a bit. Not at you, but deep down inside, with you.
I too have fallen twice in my in down hard, blood, tears etc. But now, the kids still love to hear the stories so maybe that's what we are really here for...just to entertain our children !!!!!