Murphy's Law says...

If you spend 10 days (*ahem*) searching for a magazine (that you're in) and you finally find it, the next day the mailman will bring you three copies of it.

So, what does that mean to you guys?

How about a contest? I'll pick three random emails from the comments section of this post on Wednesday, March 7th. What I'd love to hear from you guys is-what do you like best/least of this blog? What would you like to see more/less of? What are your opinions overall? Thanks! (LOL even if ya leave negative comp, you'll still be eligible for the drawing ;) ) The winners will each receive a copy of the March/April 2007 Cloth Paper Scissors magazine *and* a special surprise from me.

Do me a favor though, please do *not* leave your mailing address on the blog, I will contact you if you win. Thanks!! (Sorry, Tristan, family relatives are not eligible as he reads this over my shoulder).

Still reading Need More Love by Aline Kominsky Crumb. I'd actually never read her comics before and am thoroughly enjoying them-can't wait to find more when I have some $$...I'll have to go through the husband's books and see what I can snag. I'm always a sucker for well-written, humourous autobiographical stuff (especially stuff I can relate to). Any ways, check it out even if you've never heard of her before. I'm about more than 1/2 done with it now. They've moved to France. Man, how they got that house is a great story...wish I had that luck!


~jolene said…
I will be the first to jump in. And it's not *just* for the contest - it's about time I send a note saying how inspirational and motivational your blog is to me.

I 'know' of you because "Ms. Forrest" who takes many of your classes is a sista-friend of mine.

The thing that draws me to your blog everyday (ahem, yes, everyday) is your VOICE. By that I mean, you have balls and speak out and I DIG that about you.

Of course it is the ART that brings us all together ..and I am fascinated by your use of bold colors and designs.

As far as 'improving' or 'adding to' your blog - as one who never really has the opportunity to take one of your classes I would LOVE to see maybe a mini-tutorial here now and then - like on stitching a journal or gutting a book - or any of the multitude of amazing things you do.

I read probably eleventy-million art related blogs a month - but none MOTIVATE me more than yours. I think its because I sense the passion behind what you create.

There are a handful of art blogs that resonate with me -- and they are those that I sense an honesty in their journaling and their willingness to share. And they are the ones I visit EVERYDAY. So, THANK YOU...for being KELLY, who isn't afraid to speak whats on her mind!
janey jennings said…
Kelly I love everything about your blog! You inspire me daily. Love to see the pictures of your journals. I'd be taking classes in a minute if I were closer!
Anonymous said…
Don't put me in the contest - but will respond ..
I like all the pictures and links
(cause I can't figure out how to do that on my blog)
I like your honesty with parking signs and bad neighbours!
It's nice to know you live a real life :)

There's no complaints or dislikes -
Anonymous said…
What I have enjoyed most about your blog is all the books and magazines that you talk about. I have purchased many on your recommendation and love them. I am anxiously awaiting the 1000 Journals Look book and I know that's going to be great too. Of course I also love seeing pictures of your journal pages.
Dawn said…
I was just thinking as I opened my bloglines, I'll bet there's a post from Kelly. I love that you post frequently. Of course I love looking at your journal pages, but I read because of your honesty, outspokeness and your willingness to share your everyday life. I'll admit that I don't always agree with your point of view, but I can always count on you to have one. ;>

Some art blogs, I look at the pictures, but don't always read them.

I like your book recommendations too. As far as making the blog better, I hadn't thought of it, but jolene's idea of mini-tutorials are great. It could be something as simple as two or three photos taken along the way as you create something.

I live way out in the sticks and don't see the possiblilty of *ever* being able to take your classes. I sure would love to.
Ha! I got mine in the mail a couple of days ago... you go girl! Loved the article and the accompanying art! We need more of it... pump it out into the world, Kelly! Folks wanna see your stuff... :D

(Are we on for Tuesday/Wednesday this week? I have some packing tape with your name on it... maybe meet at Meltdown?)
beth said…
I'm not sure there is enough space to tell you what an inspiration you are to me.

Only the "bright" blogs really grab me anymore and yours is at the top of my list. You always have something new to share or some "WOW" color combo that I never would have considered....and it all just makes me happy.

During this drab winter of ours, you always have the ability to add some sunshine to my day and it motivates me to get back in the studio and create something.

I just got home from a girls weekend away...creating....and you were one of the artists that inspired some journal covers that we worked case you are wondering who the other artist's Anahata...and I'm so thrilled with how my projects turned out.

So just keep doing what you're doing !!!'s working for all of us !!!!

(ps...can you inquire about teaching at Valley Ridge Art's near me and it's wonderful...and you would be a fantastic addition there !!!)
Anonymous said…
Kelly, imagine my surprise (and delight) when I got my CPS yesterday and saw you in there! LOL, I don't need another copy - bought 2 issues of QA last issue and could stand to get rid of one - BUT, whenever I need to reference it, I can only find ONE of them! I love your blog, love the posts and the art and the commentary. Keep it up!
ps. check out what I've been working on lately.
Anonymous said…

Love the new look of your blog (lightened up the color?) It is much brighter or is it my imagination - what I love to see are pics (lots and big ones) of your work, supplies, home, people, stuff) I love looking at what people are reading, doing, eating, creating, and what their workspace home looks like - for me it is like getting to know someone better. I am very visual (aren't we all) and I need to see stuff - my two cents - love your soulful colors and work
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks everyone for the kind words...I haven't lightened up or done anything special to change the blog (other then adding links)...
I really appreciate the comments-all of them!!
Anonymous said…
Hey Kelly!!
That is so great that you're in CPS -- you certainly deserve to be!!!
What I love most about your blog - the photos of your art (especially the "in-work" ones) and the book & magazine reviews.
Hope to see you at one of your classes sooooon!!
søren said…
Hi Kelly! I love seeing all the pictures of your art, obviously I guess, or I wouldn't be here! The only thing I would like is for you to sometimes give away a secret or tutorial or two... I know it's what you teach so you can't give away everything, but it would be great to get a tip sometimes :)

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