More Journal pages of late:

The second page is a work in progress. I will post what I did with it later in the game...

Been meaning to post a review of Randi Feuerhelm Watt's "Wide Open" book that I bought in Arizona a couple of weeks ago (already!?!)

Sorry that I keep referring to it as "Eyes Wide Open" -I'll chalk it up to having seen too many Kubrick films (though I am itching to watch Dr. Strangelove again-LOVE that film-I adore Peter Sellers).

ANY WAYS, back to Randi's book. Two big thumbs up. It's a deck of cards in a box with a book. The cards are similiar to the ones that she sold a few years ago (I have 'em!) yet different. New ideas. New artwork. I also like the book that accompanies the deck, though in all honesty (and maybe it's just my eyes) but the colors in the book don't seem as vibrant as they should be. Not faulting Randi on that one but sometimes it is very hard to get the colors to show up well in reproductions. Regardless, it is well worth having. You can pull out a card, be inspired not only by the artwork on one side, but the idea on the other.

You guys know me and that I"m a book nut. What I really appreciate about a good book is being able to snuggle up with it and just dive right in. I'm not a big TV fan (though I do love films and a few select older TV shows) and so I read a lot. I'm very appreciative of the books that have come out these last few months: Randi's book, Suz's Kaleidoscope and the 1000 Journals Project to name a few. Hopefully they'll open some eyes to a few things:

a. that 'our art' hasn't died out yet

b. There are numerous ways to do things

c. There are still lots and lots of good ideas out there

d. dammit, just get that journal out and see for yourself.


File under thanks to The Pantry, not only do I want one but the comment from my sister was: "Oh shit, now I want one" I'll probably hear it from YOU guys next. My birthday is in October. Anyone? Anyone? LOL. (just kidding!!!)

In case you missed it:

One of my favorite journalists, Robert Fisk on Democracy Now! yesterday. Informative and typical Fisk!!!!


Shari Beaubien said…
Hey, Kelly-girl! I loved your review of Rhandi's new deck. I'll have to check it out. Lovely journal pages, too! Hugs, Shari
Anonymous said…
Hey Kelly, thanks for the 'wave'..
Your books are amazing, Id take your workshop if I wasnt on the other side of the country..
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hey Crystal, Where are you? I'll be doing workshops in March in MA at the end of the month (and again in August). I'm exploring the ideas of some other East Coast Places to go to in August...
Anonymous said…
Hi Kelly,
Im in North JERSEY not far from NYC! If you are ever this way let me know.. Thanks
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Crystal,
I'm talking to a store in NY right now for possible classes in August. Cross your fingers :)
I'd LOVE to go to NYC to teach!!!
Anonymous said…
Keep me posted..


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