In Braintree, MA (safe and sound, still sane)...Another favorite book:

Yeah, I swiped the image from Amazon where you can also find the book. While you're there, check out that Holly Harrison has a book coming out (a new one!) later this year.
I found the New Acrylics book several years ago while in Portland, OR. I was at Powells with several other artists and grabbed copies to show everyone. Some bought it and some shirked it off. What amazes me is that in 2007 there aren't more books out like this one. I had this discussion with one of my friends that there are lots of books on "How To Paint Horses, People, Whatever" but very few PLAY WITH ACRYLICS books. Not to toot my own horn, but I have used a slew of paints, mediums and their various 'products' (from different companies) over the years. I've bought and used all of the stuff that's out there! I could've written a dozen books by now (I know I comments on me writing a book, ok!!) about acrylics and how they work. Very weird. It is only recently where we went from famine to feast on books about "mixed media art". Interesting. Maybe one of these days I will find the time to sit down and write a whole series (ha ha ha). Maybe that'll be when I'm finally accepted as an Artist AND as an Instructor. (Yes, I'm in one of those moods this morning. Long story. Just frustrated. I don't want name recognition. I don't want to be "Big Name Teacher" or "Flavor of the Month". I do want respect though. I do want work. I'm not PMS-ing. I'm just a little annoyed and sad about something this morning and that's the end of THAT story).

Flight here was fine other then being bumpy. Also, I love little children but 3 sat behind me (all under 6) and screamed the whole flight from LAX to Nashville. The Mom didn't do much. I felt bad for her...I wish I had had access to my packing tape that I had brought with me. LOL Everyone commented on how wonderful Tristan was. My attitude: "He's 10. He should be used to flying by now." LOL!!!!! He is a great boy! The flight was full from LAX to Nashville so we both tried to sleep and tried to read. He read a compilation book of Amazing Spiderman and I read 1001 Journals Project (love it). From Nashville to Providence there were maybe 25 people on the plane so I whipped out my "Barbie" case (OH OH OH THE TSA agent at LAX commented on it-wanted to know what it was and said that she had seen lots of women with the same barbie pink suitcases but the bigger one on rollers. I told her it was a scrapbooking bag. She loved it. I'm not a scrapbooker, per se, I don't like labels but it was funny seeing her reaction. If she wasn't a TSA agent, I would've whipped out my journal but the line behind me was long enough.). SO I collaged 4 pages on the 2 hour ride from Nashville to Providence. I also read...mostly I wished and prayed that the damn bumps would go away. BLAH. If I can get my sister's digital camera, I will upload the pictures of what I've done.

Tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday, I will be at The Stamp Act in Marshfield teaching FIVE classes. There's still room (I think). The info is on their website. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going in early to set up today (Love that store for so many reasons and that's one of the small ones LOL!!)

Interesting story on yesterday's Democracy Now about the current state of book publishers.


Anonymous said…
Can you post a pic of the barbie case?
Kelly Kilmer said…
I've been meaning to. It's funny the way it's FILLED with papers. i am going to see if my sister will let me borrow her camera since I didn't bring mine...
suzi finer said…
So what the hell has been going on with the "real artist" title? Shoot, is judgemental the answer?