Happy Days are here again...Happy Days are here again...

YES YES YES My IDIOT neighbor *might* Be moving. Please everyone cross your fingers and toes-please please please....please!!!!

Oh, and guess what I found tonight? Cloth Paper Scissors! FINALLY!!! Borders in Studio City had a bunch of copies-none of the local stores have it yet :P I am VERY-above and beyond extremely HAPPY (thrilled? ecstatic?) with how everything looks and reads. Two good things that happened today-I hope I hope I hope...


Anonymous said…
Kelly, I'm very jealous. No CPS to be found around here, and my Somerset Studio is apparently being held hostage by the post office because it's not here either!!! lol Guess I'll have to make the drive over to Frenzy and see what Deb's got.
Angie in AZ said…
Your article in CPS is great! Thanks for sharing about your pens! And I just recently found out that pens are suppose to be stored laying down. No wonder all my pens were dried up and barely used! I am in a studio clean out like nothing I've ever done and I now have a drawer with my pens laying down! :) And I'm thrilled to have your article for reference now!

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