Long Tall Journal...coming soon to an art store near you!

A long time ago, I was "tagged" by Shari Beaubien. I've put it off for awhile until now. I have a huge list of "weird" things that I do. Then, the more I thought about my main list, the weirder I thought you all would think that I was. Then I realized "Duh. They already know that I am weird!"

Any ways, here's my list:

1. If you see me hunched over, a strand of hair between my fingers, I'm picking my split ends. Yup. I am a constant split end picker. It's horrible. But for some reason, it calms me down. I've been doing it since high school and since I graduated in '92, that's a helluva long time. No. I don't have bugs (I've been asked that). If you see me concentrating on one sole strand of hair, it's a split end! Get it, Kelly, get it!

2. Umm...I wear nylons EVERY time I wear a skirt OR shorts. I will NOT (I repeat NOT) NOT wear nylons (I know double negative) but I won't. I HAVE to wear either nylons or tights. I feel very VERY uncomfortable without them. They're like a second skin. Even when I was 125 lbs (actually that was way too skinny for me and I had problems sitting for long periods of time), I had to wear nylons. I swear by Silkies brand. Love 'em. They're expensive but they last a long time...Plus, I found a "special" nylon wash at JcPenney (the damn thing's probably like .99 detergent or something but I am a sucker and I buy it and I swear by it too) that makes them last even longer. Lastly, I read years ago that if you put them in the freezer for 24 hours before you wear them, that it extends the life of the nylon. OK. Now you know that I am really REALLY friggin weird. At least *I* admit it.

3. I have to check to make sure that my oven knobs are shut off 100% before I leave the house or go to bed. Sylvia Plath I do *not* want to be. I am thankful that Claudine verified that I am not the only one who does this. I also have to check to make sure that not only is my front door locked and deadbolted but that the chain is on.

4. Some people have to have coffee. Some have to have alcohol. Some have to have a piece of chocolate. Daily. My addiction: Unsweetened Black Iced Tea (I Like the Tazo black kind) -if it has sugar or anything in it other then ice, water and a freakin' black tea bag, I will NOT drink it. I do NOT like sweetened drinks *at all*...My other BIG addiction: Barqs Root Beer. I have to have one a day. It is like freakin' crack for me. If I do not have my Barqs Root Beer I get pissy. Ask my husband. He drank the last damn can tonight. He would be sleeping on the couch (if the two of us didn't already sleep on the futon! LOL)

5. I have to floss my teeth every night. I go insane if we don't have dental floss. I hate the feeling of food stuck in my teeth overnight. Makes me feel gross. I have honestly thought of using linen thread at times when we were out (it's ok, I'm not that bad, I didn't and I wouldn't). I have actually stolen my husband's UNwaxed dental floss to use and I HATE unwaxed dental floss.

6. OK, my biggest thing and I think that it runs in my family. If I am not leaving the house again for the rest of the day the first thing I do when I walk in the door (regardless) is to take my shoes off. There is a big shoe pile by my front door. The second thing that comes off is all of my jewelry. PJ time! I do not like walking around the house all day in "real clothes". Clothes come off and pjs go on. Depending on the time of year (like now) I also like to wear my heavy snuggly green bathrobe. It has a snowflake for a zipper. Keeps me warm and comfortable. If it is summer time, pjs still go on AND I wear my ratty old (but clean!!), soft, "well loved" and "summery" bathrobe. It is pink with flowers on it. My parents keep threatening to buy me a new robe but this one is broken in. Monkey slippers are a must.

7. If the TSA takes away my chapstick (Burts Bees thank you very much) because they think that I might be a threat ("Watch out! She's got chapstick! Dry lips!"), then I am NOT going to get on the plane. Nope.

OK I'm going to go hide in a corner and try NOT to think of Adam Sandler's joke of "NOooo They're all gonna laugh at you!" Funny as hell clip of that here.

******Update: My husband guessed several things on this list. THEN he tells me I'm insane telling the world these things. I told him that I seriously can not be the only weirdo out there and that there are WEIRDER things to do then this one.


Anne said…
Oh, dear. All those things sounded perfectly normal to me....

Gypsy Purple said…
Lovely book...nice visist


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