Before I Get into what it is above that I WANT, Here are my rants for the day:

**Grumble** I went to Staples on Wilshire and Staples on La Cienega and the ******** color copy machines are NOT working yet *STILL*. It was a 2 hour wait to have THEM do it (and you know they wouldn't do it "right").

SO Just so you know. CALL first to make sure that the ******** self service machines at Staples are working.

Also has anyone shelled out $15 for CRAFT magazine yet? I haven't. It's $15!!!! Sheesh. It is cute though!! I was utterly amazed at the article in the brand new issue on "Moleskin" journaling. WHOMEVER wrote that article (and whomever proofed it for the magazine) needs to go get a book on who DAN ELDON was RIGHT Now. The first three sentences of the article sent me into full time RANT mode. I had to run around Borders and shove it in my husband's face and say "READ THIS". They basically described him as a "Boy" and an "AID WORKER" (NOT. He was a PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER). Then said that he was killed by "BANDITS". HELLO? OH OH OH I was ticked.

Sorry! I really think that people should try to research their facts before they write an article!!

BUT all of my ranting will end here, I DID Find a COOL magazine (ok, yes, it is $30!! DON'T tell my husband) and it is called GRAPHIC 10 THIS issue is all ART JOURNALS. EEPS. I thought I'd croaked and gone to Heaven. Ya need it. Ya want it now.

I hope to be blogging more tomorrow about my *ahem* book purchases today (first time out of the house other then teaching and errands in almost a week and I went NUTS).

In the meantime, I'm tired and have to get ready for a BUSY weekend between Violets in Ventura on Saturday and Sweetpeas on Sunday!! BUSY BUSY.

Oh, and can anyone lend me $2500? I *really* want this: Oh wait. I just went to amazon to find the link and OH MY GOD- I think I just bust a gut or wet my pants laughing (ask my husband he thinks I've gone totally insane. Oh My God. This is too freaking funny. I need a video of me laughing. OMG.) Holy shit. I thought that $2500 was bad. OMG. The new one ('cause they're saying the first is SOLD OUT at $2500! Book Soup had a TON Of them) is $6500 WITH FREE SHIPPING. I'm rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. OH God It hurts. THIS IS TOO FUNNY.


THen go HERE

Make sure you note the FREE SHIPPING!! LOL! Peter Beard should come to my frigging house for $6500 let alone $2500!!! I have tears running down my face I am laughing my ass off!!! I can't afford $2500 how can I pay $6500?? Oh but wait, FREE SHIPPING!!!!

I did see this one at Book Soup but didn't like it...not compared to the DIARIES.

In all seriousness, the size of the Beard book is breathtaking. The stature of the work is amazing. I felt like I could fall in the pages and just wrap myself in them. I tried to figure out how I could sell myself out to Book Soup to get the $ for this book. Then I wondered if it would be worth grabbing the HUGE BEHOMETH of a book and taking the 2 steps out the front door (just kidding!) I think if I ever saw this somewhere at a price I could afford, I'd give it up. I would give someone my shitbox, I mean my car for it...Anyone want all of my Acey Deucy stamps for it? I don't know what else I have ... LOL. Ya can't have my kid or my husband, though, sorry...my soul? It's probably not worth much...artistic "talent"? (ha ha ha)...

Have an artful weekend everyone,


Anonymous said…
If I keep reading your blog a little longer I'll have to declare bankruptcy...Dorit
Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL if I was lucky enough and had even $2500 right now I'd be putting a new engine in my car!!
The book is HUGE. HUGE!!! I don't just mean the girth of it but the SIZE is freakin HUGE.
LOL, some people buy new clothes, smoe buy shoes, some buy food...We buy books ;)
But I won't be buying that Beard book unless I win the lottery. I'm also afraid of its weight that we'd end up being a first floor apartment (ha ha ha)
Anonymous said…
Hey Kelly, I saw that magazine yesterday but only had ten dollars with me, hopefully I can get my hubby to buy it tomarrow. Fingers crossed. I did get a kick ass new art magazine, I kinda missedplaced it in my mess, and I can't remember it's name, it was issue 4 so I guess the magazine has been out for awhile, and it had ALLLL my FAVORATE artists and artwork in there. I'll find it soon and tell you the name. Promise Have fun teaching Hugs Tammie www.myartsoulwings.typepad.com
sf said…
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Kelly Kilmer said…
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Kelly Kilmer said…
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sf said…
They lowered the $2500.00 one to $2250.00.
So you can def. get it now!!!!!
Kelly Kilmer said…
HA! I saw that. Yeah, let me pull $2250 out of my rear LOL