Hmm...I guess I'm not as weird as I thought I was. Or else you've all completely run away from and you're now thinking I'm completely bonkers!!

Hey!! Tamara from Zinnia was on NBC4 in L.A. today but if ya missed it you can still watch it here.
I was tickled pink to see one of my samples over her left shoulder (hee hee). I SO want to take that distressed jean class. SO cool. Tamara's a ton of fun and I LOVE teaching there so if you haven't checked it out, make sure you do so!!

I've had two books next to my bed fighting for my time over the last week:

A Power Governments Cannot Suppress by Howard Zinn
I have a real hard time putting Zinn's books down once I start them. Each "chapter" is small but packed with a ton of information. It's an easy and an EXTREME MUST read. Nice companion piece to A People's History. The book was written and compiled in the Summer of '06 so it's very recent. I *LOVE* the cover. LOVE it. It's the 1965 Montgomery March. The book goes back and forth tying in past and "current" history linking the information together (in usual well loved Zinn style) becuase what was going on years ago is still going on today. Run, don't walk for this one.

And the other book is, of course:

Kaleidoscope: Ideas And Projects to Spark Your Creativity (Paperback)
by Suzanne Simanaitis

I *love* this book. As you know, dear readers, that the wonderful Violet from Violets Rubber Stamp Inn in Ventura lugged this book to CHA for me the other day. I have had a hard time putting it down or even leaving it home when I go out (it's been going with me). I will buy ANY book that *looks* like this (AMAZING art) and has the substance that this book has (That most "crafty" books lack). This isn't a "how to", "step by step", "you will make this". It's here's what I made and what I did (in some parts) and here are some ideas for what YOU can do. It's a PROCESS. It's artists thinking out loud. It's everything that I would want if I were to publish a book. PLUS It is in ZINE style. I freakin' LOVE this book. If you are to only buy ONE book right now from the art section, THIS is it. GO. Now.

Staples is evil. Did you know that? One of my friends confirmed that the other day! They have the $.39 color copies but several of their damn machines (the ones that the public uses) are broken! How am I supposed to make color copies with a broken machine that won't be fixed til Monday!??! *Grumble*

Busy busy weekend! I'm at Paper Post in Agoura tomorrow teaching two classes and then at Stampin from the Heart in L.A. on Superbowl Sunday. Hey, the football fans can do *their* things and I wanna make art ok?

Have a great weekend regardless as to whatever it is you may be doing!!

Last thought: Can anyone recommend any "must see" stores in downtown L.A.? For art stuff? For Foreign books (like Japanese books)? For whatever?? Post here please! Also, restaurants would be appreciated as well...anything fun in L.A. Just leave a comment in the blog section, if you don't mind. THANKS!


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