Happy Valentine's Day...

(I found the image above on google via google images and searching for hands)

Not to put a damper on Valentine's Day, but here are some things to think about on this day:

Your Flowers

Your Jewelry

Your Chocolate

On this day, I just want to say thank you to all of you who read this blog and care about my art and/or what I have to say. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. :)

Have a wonderful, wonderful day...

Spread the love,



Anonymous said…
I made the mistake of working for Dole. E-VIL corporation.
I refuse to buy their products.
But I can't tell where the flowers come from.... cause the little Dole sticker isn't on 'em.
T2 said…
Big Valentine's hugs to you, my dear friend. I really hope to see you soon.
sf said…
Thank heavens I received nothing!!!
But am sending something to YOU!