Some pages I am still working the moment. Well, not this moment because I have to go do (*grumble*) laundry.

Guess what today is? My one year Blog-a-Versary! Happy Blog-a-Versary to meeeeeee...

More later. In the meantime, stay tuned. Stay aware.


Carol Bonomo said…
And a very fine blogaversary it is indeed. You have a great blog, just brimming with art, philosophy of art, politics, and LOTS of attitude.
Carol Bonomo said…
And a fine Blogaversary it is. You've got a great blog, full of art, attitude, politics, and freewheeling fun. I will have a cupcake to celebrate. Any excuse.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks Carol & Claudia,
I appreciate the anniversary wishes!
Have a cupcake!!! Hell, have a slice of cake! (YUM).
Thanks for the kind words...The husband cracked up on the comment about "lots of attitude".
Stay well!