Some collage work/journal pages that I started while waiting for David at the L.A. Courthouse in Downtown.
I had just typed out this whole longgggggg post when blogger went a little crazy and ate it!
David had to serve jury duty again today. He was called as a juror this time (ACK!). The powers that be (aka the Judge and the Lawyers) decided after questioning him (this is a HUGE case according to David one that could go on for several weeks) that David was not a "desirable" juror in this case because of his bias...LOL, it's a bias we both share (it's okay, it's not towards anything human!!! Something that has 4 wheels.) That's all I know and that after sitting outside of the courtroom and waiting for almost 3 hours for David, that for once in my life I was very happy that he was rejected! LOL!!! He walked out with a huge smile on his face and giving me a "thumbs up". I don't know what we would've done (since we only have the one car) if he had to go downtown every day...ack.
So, long story short, I sat outside the courtroom (on the very uncomfy benches) with a glue stick, old rag, baby wipes, a very small selection of collage ephemera and my journal. I ripped and pasted...They're not finished at all but I thought I'd show you the "Before" now and the "After" when I am finished...So stay tuned for more info.
It's now 8 p.m. and I am going off to listen to Dylan (after wasting an hour of my time listening to more seal clapping *ahem*) and see if I can turn my feelings into some artwork...I guess the only good thing is, the SOTU only comes once a year...
BTW, if anyone wants to read (hear) a VERY interesting report by Mumia Abu-Jamal you can go here and click on How the Forces of Capital Got Us Where We Are posted Monday 1/22/07. Even if you don't want to read Mumia's words, at least do some research on early automobiles and their use of electricity vs. gas and how GM bought up all of the street car systems in the 1930's forcing people to go out and buy cars...Very very interesting indeed and something most do not know about or are unaware of...food for thought tonight.
Your blog is wonderful too!!