One of my favorite books.

I love artists that push beyond and try new things outside of their normal medium.

That's one of the reasons why I'm a huge advocate of keeping a journal. It doesn't have to be for anyone but YOU. It's for *your eyes only*. It's a PLAY book. Journaling does not and never has to be "Today I did this..."

Your journal can be your place to explore, expand and try new things. It can be your catch all. Your book is always for you you YOU.

Bind a book (you can even use a stapler if you want, just do it), use a 'found book'-find one that is most comfortable to YOU. I always tell my students, the book that you are making is *yours*, not mine. I do not want you to leave with a book that you are uncomfortable with, so get comfy with it. Make a mess in it. Play in it. Explore in it. Drop it on the floor. It's ok. It's not precious. It can be fixed. It's not glass. It's paper.

Make it a part of you. Make it you. Now go play. Go on...


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the tip regarding Kiki Smith. I ordered the book right away!
Shari Beaubien said…
Wonderful advice from a wonderful teacher... Hugs, Shari
Kristy C said…
That post just made me realize I really HAVE to start journaling. Its been something I have been meaning to do. I have started one, then I would stop. I gotta get back on and start doing some journaling every day :)