Nope, I didn't take the above photo, give all the credit to Mr. Eddie Campbell who has been focusing the last few days' blog postings about this fabulous creation by Christopher Trotter in Brisbane.

Thank you, Mr. Campbell, for letting us know about this amazing piece of art!
I want some cool wheels like THAT!

Gotta make sure that Susan Lenart Kazmer, Michael DeMeng and Keith Lo Bue see this beauty! Trotter's work is too cool for words.

The family & I trekked out to Pasadena and Glendale today (had to pay some bills *grumble*). Well, I had been salivating over some "orange" decorative paper that I saw online (nope, not the stuff that I am still waiting for from "FedSuckAssEx"...but some other paper. Soooo I swallowed my pride a bit and went to a paper store in Pasadena looking for it. Guess what?? They had it!! I was stoked about finding paper that I had been *this* close to ordering online in an actual "store" (not Paper Source :( sadly! They need to get some new paper in fast....actually, it may be a good thing they don't have new stock in yet & save my wallet!)
Any ways, Mimio's in Pasadena had a good selection of the paper that I wanted and I was happy. I didn't ask them to fold the paper either like I did last time...I just took it "rolled up" like they always do it. Even Paper Source (a new girl) looked at me like I was bonkers when I asked her to "Fold" the paper and shove it in a bag. LOL I don't care about "rolled up" paper. I want the paper FOLDED and in a BAG. I rip the papers up....To roll it up and cover it with brown paper and tape means A. Extra work for the sales clerk and B. more stuff I have to worry about recycling and C. it is such a pain in the ass to carry "rolled" paper around. It just calls out "smack someone with it" sooo, obliging the little voices in my head, I usually spend most of my time smacking my son or husband in the ass with the rolled paper (usually the husband-the son gets it if he is a smart ass! The husband gets it 'cause he's the husband)!)
Plus I like the nice "handled" bags that the paper stores give you. They are perfect for using to recycle your wares in!

Found the latest issue of Cloth Paper Scissors at Borders, BTW. Have given up on B & N ever getting it in on TIME. Any ways, it's an awesome issue (as usual)!! Am looking forward to receiving CPS now 6 x a year!! yay!!!

OK, have to go track my FedSucksAssEx package online now and see where they are holding it hostage and if it is coming tomorrow or if it will stay in the warehouse in Bell, CA. Even the girl on the phone today said "I don't know why they didn't deliver it on Saturday...I'll have someone call you back about it" (It's almost 11 p.m., I don't think they'll be calling me today...*ahem*)


Ooooo... I want MY ride pimped like that! :) My car sucks... I've been driving around on the donut since *ahem* November... but I had a little too much fun shopping for every l'il body for Christmas and so a new set of front tires will have to wait (not to mention the loooooong overdue smog check) until two weeks from now...

And it currently appears that (due to a budget SNAFU) my little "birthday getaway" is pretty much not gonna happen... but I'll still take at least one day off that week and head up to L.A. for the day... so maybe... lunch on the 22nd somewhere in WeHo?

And... you've gotta spill on what papers you're waiting for from Paper Mojo... I want pictures, please! The anticipation of the FedSuckAssEx is just killing me!


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