More recent journal pages...and Tristan's hands.

Just got home from a great day of teaching at Stampin' From The Heart in Culver City. As always, awesome group of artists and all around fun to be around people (LOL!!) I love teaching!!!

Am totally wiped out for some reason tonight. I promised Tristan pizza and we did! He's munching away. Unfortunately, even though I didn't cook tonight and since I haven't done dishes since Friday night...they are PILED up in the kitchen, so you know where I am headed off to.

*sigh* tomorrow school starts up again for the munchkin. I actually am "weird Mom". I love having him home. We have fun together. Oh, the thought of having to get up early when I'm so used to being up working and reading late late late!! LOL...ce la vie. All good things must come to an end, as they say!


Anonymous said…
Kelly, I was one of those "weird" moms who used to miss her kids when they'd go back to school after being home on vacation. Aren't our kids lucky to have such strange moms? LOL!
Missed you on Sunday. Looking forward to playing with you soon. Uh, that didn't sound right, did it? YOu know what i meant. LOL!

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