Graffiti near Melrose:

OMG, haven't been able to stay away from the 'puter for two days...but at least I've gotten a ton of work done that I really needed to do.

I *really* want a set of the Moo Cards from Flickr. Has anyone else bought into this? Do I *need* these? They just look so damn cute. I'm a sucker for small, cute things, too (case in point: I pretty much still have all of my toys from when I was a kid-all of the stuffed animals and all of the "little" things that I collected. I love tiny toys...They made me happy then and they make me smile now-the old ones, not the new ones so much...though once in a while someone comes out with something that makes me go "ooooh...").

Do I "Need" these damn cards?? (Yes, I know the difference between "need and want")...


Shari Beaubien said…
I think I may have to succumb to this craze as well, Kelly! Hugs, Shari
Anonymous said…
I bought some and they were delivered to my house yesterday. As soon as I opened the box, many ideas sprung up in my head on how to use them. Wish I had as much time in a day to be able to put some of those ideas to use.
Anonymous said…
I succumbed today...

I am a geek.
suzi finer said…
Ironically, I contacted them yesterday to become a distributor through Sweetpeas and Snapshots. I don't like to wait for the mail. I think we'll be mooing here pretty soon!
Suzi Finer

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