For Cleo-

On January 2nd, I was in Pasadena. David and Tristan stayed behind in the car so I could run into the paper store. I was walking up the street when a man approached me with his ID in hand. He started right in on what he needed to tell me "Ma'am. I just finished serving 12 years in the state penitentiary. It was very cold last night. I need $10.35 to get a bed for the night. I hate to bother you, but it was cold last night." He looked younger then me, but yet his face showed something that most faces don't reflect the day after New Years-fear, sadness, worry, hunger, cold... I asked him his name. "Cleo, ma'am." I didn't want to pull out my wallet right in the middle of the street (I didn't even know if I had any cash on hand) so I asked him if he could wait for a minute and I would be right back. He looked and sounded like a child when he asked "Can I go with you, ma'am?" I looked him in the eyes and I promised him that I would be right back. I ducked into a store and found my wallet and some cash. I walked out and he was right where I had left him looking lost and lonely. I gave him the money that I had. He thanked me. I told him to try to have a nice New Year and left him standing there.

Since then I can't stop thinking-
What kinds of conditions lead someone to spending time in jail?
What kind of so called "reform" does a prison sentence actually do?
What kind of "system" would "reform" a man after "serving" time in jail and then leave him on the street penniless, homeless, hungry and cold?
I haven't been able to get his eyes out of my mind and how he spoke to me. I wasn't afraid of him. I was actually worried and scared *For* him. I have been wondering where he is since that night...wondering and wondering what can one person do for him and the millions of others that are out there?
What can one person do?
Right now I can only hope that he doesn't end up back in that place again...I can only hope that someone gives him a chance, and that he can make it...


Kelly Kilmer said…
The sad thing is, you need an address to get a job, and since most homeless don't have an address (or if they use the address of the shelter)...the system makes things so difficult.
It's set up so perfectly too for the ones that want to keep the status quo-
give the "middle class" just enough, keep the "poor" poor but keep it so that the middle class has to pay more taxes (then the "rich") and piss off enough of the middle class who blame the poor for everything...
Someday their eyes will open and people will see where the real difference is-and who really is to blame. It's not just the president, the government, but it also is big business. They're all snared together...sleeping in one big comfy bed.

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