Weird weird things that go through my mind...
If I could sit and talk "over a cup of tea" with five living people, off the top of my head they would be:
Howard Zinn
Gore Vidal
Arundahti Roy
Anne Lamott
Jerry Quickley
Joe Sorren
ok and Eddie Campbell.
Remember, I was an English major not a math major so I can't count, dammit!

****Hours later:
OK so I was bored (and tired-thanks asshole neighbor blasting his music before 7 a.m. on a Saturday AGAIN) on my way out to Violets (in Ventura to teach) and strange thoughts were going through my mind-Hmm who would I really love to sit and talk to?
Well, everyone above...

Let's add:
Lynda Barry (I have been a Barry nut since I was in high school and a friend gave me a copy of one of the Marlys books. I thought it was weird back then as I really had never seen anything like it but I LOVED it. One Hundred Demons is one of my favorite "illustrated treasures". I had to buy "Tin House" magazine JUST because of Lynda. She is an amazing art Goddess and what i wouldn't give to own a Barry original!)

Clive Barker (love Clive...LOVE Clive. I've written about 95% of everything that man has ever written. I own about 95% of every book ever published by him, about him, etc... I just am fascinated by the man. One of my favorite gallerys in NY helped to get me (and my Mom) into the party for "Lord of Illusions" many moons ago when I was underage. We had to promise that I wouldn't drink (LOL that's one that I can keep for sure!!) It was WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD but tons of fun. His artwork is amazing to me. Disturbing to some (most?) but I am enchanted by it.

Hmm who else living would I love to talk to?

Michael Palin!! OH YES Michael Palin! I would sit and watch that man go to the ends of the Earth and back, and I believe he may be one of the few people that has. EVERY special he puts out, I must watch and tape. EVERY book he has done I own. I just adore Mr. Palin. I have missed several chances to actually meet the man-every time he comes to town, I have to go out of area to teach. I would just LOVE LOVE LOVE to sit and talk to Michael Palin. He is definetly top notch...and not just 'cause of Python (Not the The Comfy Chair!)

Also other interesting people: Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Maxine Waters, Amy Goodman...
Those are some of the living people I would love to sit and talk to.

Those that have "Moved On" that I would have loved to have spoken with:

Edward Gorey (Ohhhhh my heart broke when he died and I Found out that you could have knocked on his door and he would've spoken with you. You wouldn't have made it past the kitchen but oh for that chance to have spoken with him...)

John Bellairs (it was Bellairs books as a kid that made me connect the PBS "Mystery!" beginning with Gorey and I became a Gorey nut at about 8 or 9).

Orson Welles (c'mon who hasn't been influenced by a man who was so short on real recognition from Hollywood and the world? The man was a genius, pure and simple..)

Eleanor Roosevelt (I remember reading a book about her when I was 9...and thinking of all that she did and tried to hard to change).

Che Guevarra (what a life. what a man.)

Jimmy Stewart (c'mon it's Jimmy Stewart) and in that same category, Cary Grant, Gene Kelly...

Vincent Price (art afficiando, did you know that? Google his info about Price and East L.A. and his art center...)

How could I forget John Lennon? The man's influence started when I was a kid...most kids growing up in the 80's listened to Duran Duran and stuff like that...not me...I was a Lennon nut. Plain and simple. Not only the music but his words. "In his Own Write" his autobiography, I toted that around forever. I still have it, well loved it is...Well loved he was...

I would have loved to have met my Dad's Father (my Grandpa) and my Husband's Mother...I would love to sit and have the chance to talk with my Mom's Mother (who died when I was 3)...and to be able to sit and talk to my Grandpa (Mom's Dad), Nana (Dad's Mom), and Uncle Frank would be wonderful...

I could go on some more (and maybe I will one of these days) but am just in one of those pondering moods..."Two for tea...and tea for two..."
