Scored at the used bookstore today!!!
Trying not to spend too much money as usually this time of year classes go on a roller coaster ride. Thankfully Christmas shopping has been done for awhile now...but New Years is coming soon and that means Anniversary on New Years Eve! (11 years)...Any ways, This Saturday is a definite go at Sweetpeas in L.A. so I am looking forward to that. Next weekend though I'm not sure what will happen (am supposed to teach my Altered photo class Friday at Zinnia's and then my Journey to the Soul Journal at the Art Bar on Saturday, the 30th). It's hard when you don't know what will happen from week to week. I have been blessed at 2006 was an awesome year-I cancelled very few classes (maybe a little more than a handful). I also received wonderfully warm responses about the classes, so I am very thankful to all of you :)
Any ways, I scored a nice find at one of my favorite bookstores in West L.A. today (luckily the other 2 didn't have anything that I didn't have, want or "need". YAY!) Betye Saar is one of my favorite artists. I found a perfect hardcover copy of her "Extending the Frozen Moment" book for $20. I have several other books about her artwork and I really treasure them. If you aren't familiar with her work, do yourself a favor today and go seek her out. Her daughters Lezley and Alison are also outstanding artists in their own right.