Paper Source is dangerous to a paper whore like me! Ack. So in the "holiday spirit" I decided to go to their location in Beverly Hills this afternoon (what am I saying, it doesn't take "holiday spirit" to get my rear in there!) with Tristan in tow. Like I need more paper. $73 later I am one happy camper! Officially broke but happy (hey, it's easy when you're a paper whore!) Here are some pictures from their website of 3 of the papers I bought. I found the "red viney paper" in blue and brown though! YUM! YUM! They had a lot of neat "colored" brown papers (some had a variety of colors like yellow, blue and green on them-delish!)
Funny thing was, I was thinking "I should call my friend Kara" since I was there and I know she wanted colored glassine paper. I realized I didn't have her cell # programmed in my cell and was thinking "I should call David, aka my hubby, to get her number off of my email box." Next thing I know, I see someone out of the corner of my eye that looks like Kara. I turn my head "It is Kara!" How freakin' weird is that?? (No offense Kara, next time I might try thinking "Hmm I should call Johnny Depp." OR "I should call Ed McMahon (can I have my check now please?" and see what happens...)
Busy day but good day. I also got to talk to my friend Lillian (who is up in WA) on the phone for a bit. That's always fun!! (Hi Lillian {{waving}}). Lillian makes scrumptious chocolate brownies and has an amazing hubby, Jere who is also an amazing book artist like Lillian!!
I actually *threw* stuff out today (ok, recycle bin). Yup. Kelly actually went through magazines and ripped stuff out. I have decided that *some* magazines CAN be cut up and that the whole damn thing doesn't have to be saved, hoarded and treasured. I am downsizing this apartment, baby!
Other than that, life as usual. Busy weekend between teaching at Violets tomorrow (Saturday) and Stampin' From the Heart on Sunday! And this is my 200th post!
Hubby wasn't so appreciative of it though, oh well!
Johnny Depp, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!