No time for art today,yet, damnit!

Tristan had his music recital. In all honesty, I have NO idea how he did as I could only see the top half of his head. All of the kids with the exception of a small handful sounded the same :) But what do you expect since they get music once a week and they've only had their instruments for less than a month? They did a fine job though and it was quite enjoyable. I still can't get over the size of the band! They took up half of the auditorium. Tristan sat on the stage alllllllll the way in the back. It was funny seeing just the top of his head and him smiling at me (I could tell by his eyes-he smiles with them, too).

It's just been one of those "let's run around and get a bunch of stuff done" type day. ARGH. Those days always leave me crabby.

Any ways, I wanted to point out some books that are by my bedside:

Alec: How to be an Artist by Eddie Campbell. One of my favorites and a "Must read" for all artists regardless of your medium. I am (if you can't tell by now) a big fan of Campbell's musings, ponderings, questions, writings and illustrations. Ask my husband. We always see Campbell at the Top Shelf booth at Comic Con and David refers to him as my "Australian boyfriend to which I have to point out that Campbell is Scottish but lives in Australia now...OH well, I refer to Dame Darcy as "his girlfriend". Two can play at that game!) I bought David the hardcover copy of "From Hell" for Christmas. The husband never reads my blog unless I ask him to so I am not worrying about him finding out. I am horrible at keeping Christmas presents secret. I can keep a secret about *anything* unless it is a present. It's so sad really. I hate hate hate waiting for presents. If there is a present under the tree, I will pick at it until it "accidentally" opens at the corner. I'm really 32 going on 8. I can see this in my son, too. Ack.

Also by my bed: the latest issue of Selvedge magazine. I bought it solely for Peter Clark's collage image. Isn't that sad?? LOL

Poe's The Raven illustrated by Ryan Price. Definetly a "must have". Found it at Vroman's in Pasadena and just looked doe eyed at the husband. He said "Buy it." Well, you don't have to tell me twice. Sheesh. Like I really needed permission. LOL

Zinn's People's History of the U.S. am slowly working my way through it. I have to put it down and get away from it every now and then or else I get really REALLY pissed off about the history of the U.S...

4 books from this company: paumes in Japan. Total eye candy especially since I can't read either Japanese or French and some of the books are printed in both. *sigh*

I'm off to make dinner so my boys don't starve...They already want to nibble on the cinnamon cupcakes that are hot and fresh from the oven.


Adriane Giberson said…
I laughed... and laughed... and laughed...

You gift-picker, you!

Tell you the truth, I'm even worse at waiting for someone to open their gifts than I am at waiting to open those given to me. I expect the gift(s) to be open immediately, in front of me... that way I can see whether I picked right. :)

Bummer about the thing... bastages...

Oh... and expect a little sumpthin'-sumpthin' in the mail in a few... I just might have to put a "do not open until Christmas" label on it... bwah-hahaha... nah... forget that... just let me know if you like it... ;)

Adriane Giberson said…
Gad... and she BAKES, too! Last night we went to South Coast Plaza (oh, the bane of my existence... it now houses Borders AND Paper Source... can you say "money pit"?... I knew you could...). We ate at Champagne before doing a bit of perusing (let's face it... I spent some cashola last night)... they had the most fabulous pumpkin drop cookies drizzled with a lemony sugar glaze.

Did I mention that my department holiday party lunch was yesterday, and someone took some photos of me... egad... the angle accentuated my lovely multiple rolls of chin fat, not to mention a belly worthy of an eight month old fetus. It's time... to at least get into the gym and try to beat this into submission... however, I'm about to go surf the 'net for a recipe for those drop cookies... guess what *I'll* be doing this weekend (apart from checking out a yoga class on Saturday morning)?

Oh...! and I found three books for the price of two that I just couldn't live without: Augusten Burroughs' "Running with Scissors", Joyce Carol Oates' "Missing Mom", and Kim Edwards' "The Memory Keeper's Daughter"... I'd better start reading... dang... when will I get my baking... cooking... arting... done?!

Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL I only "bake" the stuff that comes in a "box". Shhh ;)
How is the new Paper Source in S. Coast?
I have somethin' for you too but didn't know when I'd see you so I Might just drop it in the mail too!! So THERE LOL
Ah, screw the baking just go buy some cookies and snuggle up with your new books!! :)