My head exploded at the newsstand yesterday (as did my wallet. I never leave the house without $20 in my pocket. Well, yesterday I had a roll of quarters and $6 in cash. ARGH.) I went to the newstand expecting to find NOTHING (since I've found NOTHING new there in the last 2 weeks).
Not only did they have the new Marie Claire Idees but they also had:
Peel magazine (though MINE should be coming in the frigging mail. WHERE is it?!?!)
The Artists Magazine (Anne Bagby on the cover)
Watercolor Magic
Quilting Arts
crap and I only had $16.
I Figured I can get Q. Arts at Paper Post.
Peel was coming in the mail (WHEN).
Watercolor magic was so so and I didn't need it.
I actually bought magazines with a roll of quarters. Quarters I had got the day before for laundry. How sad is that? The guy laughed and said "We can always use quarters."
I kept how pathetic my addiction to new books and magazines is to myself....
then I went home and scrounged for quarters so I could do laundry...then I found out the price of the machines in our basement was increased...
I've been there - done that.
Only it was for a trip to the Suzi Finer store. I busted out the change jar and went to the coin machine.
It was well worth it.