I've been working through some projects in my head and on paper lately. I'm working on a project for a friend's book and for an exhibit in February at the Zeek Gallery. I participated in one of Mary Lou Zeek's shows last year.

Back to the creating bit-I'm equating it to the birthing process. You're pregnant. The baby arrives. Yet, you look in the nursery and most babies look alike (y'all know what I mean). The parents know who theirs is, but other than that, that's about all you do know. If you take the time to nurture, teach, and let your child grow, he or she will become their own unique personality. You can tell the difference between child A and child B.

I want my artwork to stand alone. I want someone to be able to pick it up and say "Kelly made that." I want it to be able to stand on it's own completely-to speak it's message loudly and firmly. I want it to be almost like a living thing-something that radiates and screams loudly.

Wish me luck...
