It was all fine and dandy this morning...everything was ok even though I got up wayyy early today (7 for me is WAYY early after going to bed after 1) just to go to the post office. Got there 5 minutes before they opened-only about 7 people in front of me, better then what I was expecting and there were only 2 people working.

That was fine.

Waiting 20 minutes wasn't a big deal. It happens this time of year ;)

So then I go to the art store and get my gel medium. No problem there or at the bagel shop.

It starts when I get home. David put the laundry on for me. I go to get the laundry out of the washer to put into the dryer and everything is SOAKEN wet like the machine didn't complete a cycle. In the meantime one of my neigbors comes down and says "is the machine still broken?" she knew the damn thing was broken and asked someone else to call (so at least TWO people knew) and no one put a frigging sign on the machine saying "BROKEN". I was annoyed having spent that time and a $1.25 for nothing AND then I had to go to the laundromat which I HATE.

Then neighbor #2 comes over, I'm in full rant mode by now. Ranting about the laundry AND my idiot neighbor blasting his BLEEPITY BLEEP music full blast and full bass. ARGH. So she makes a comment about the laundry (which is in my hands with water pouring out of the basket onto me, my car and everything in it's path). I ask her to please please please put a sign on the machine next time (these people NEVER do anything!!!)

AND on top of it all my "Lovely" neigbor was blasting his music as the building manager (who doesn't "live" on premises) came by. Guess what, "Lovely" neighbor wasn't even home!!!! The bldg. manager let himself into "Lovely" neighbor's apartment apartment and the music still was blasting after he left (he didn't shut it off). So now we know he is blasting it solely to annoy the crap out of us.

So then I go to the laundromat. What is it with the baskets on wheels there? Do people think that they will never get one again? Do people NOT know how to share?? Why does this have to happen: I had to ask a guy (who wasn't using his, just hoarding it) "Hi, Can I please use that for a second and I'll bring it back to you." He looked at me like I had nine heads "This? You want to use this?" "Yes ,please, I'll bring it back." "You need this?" and the routine went on like 3 or 4 x before the idiot finally gave me the damn basket. What is up with people!!??!!

I am waiting for Candid Camera to come out from around a corner today and yell "Surprise!"

By the way, Happy Winter Solstice!!!


Anonymous said…
Come up for air Girl!
Wow.. the neighbour sounds bad.
There's gotta be a way to get him removed.
Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL I'm sitting here typing this and laughing about my "other" neighbor who has this guy live in her apartment during the winter. "The Guy" who lives in her apartment is from WA or OR. I forget which. He is this musician with dreds who looks like he lives out of his car which he parks right in front as often as possible. We HEAR him going up and down the stairs all hours of the day-BOOM BOOM BOOM. He's always done that. I swear this guy has cement blocks on his feet. NOW he has bells on his keys. He also slams things (We are in #103. THe jack ass with the radio/bad evil temperament is #102. The cement block guy who isn't even supposed to be living there is #101. 101 is right next to us. Figure that out. 102 is across from us. THe people who numbered this building were on drugs. The bottom level is apartments 1 through 4. Top is 101-106) We hear him slam the toilet seat. We hear him slam cabinets. One time I flipped and I Opened my front door looked him in the eye and asked him if he could "please stop slamming your door." OK, this is funny and we still make fun of him to this day because of this. He looks at me and in a spaced out druggy voice says "I'll try to be more conscious".
Ahh it's the funny stupid things that make me laugh.
I want my own island!!!! Better yet, I want an island to ship my neighbors to and leave them there. Ha ha ha ha ha.