I know...
I know I need to update the blog.
I know I need to put up the Christmas Tree.
I know I need to clean the living room.
I know I need to clean Tristan's room.
I know I need to downsize Tristan's toys (with some help!)
I know I need to finish (start?) my Christmas shopping.
I know I need to work on classes for 2007.
I know I need to finish booking for early 2007.
I know I need to finish (start?) samples for 2007.
I know I need to work in my own journal.
I know that I am having serious art withdrawals wanting to make some stuff for just ME.
I know I am still in my pjs.
I know it is after 11 a.m.
I know that I am teaching tonight, tomorrow and Sunday.
I know that I am forgetting some things (so what else is new).
I know that I needed to update the blog...
I know that you'll understand no new pictures *yet*...
I know that I'm grateful for you understanding that ;)


Adriane Giberson said…
you know you need to give yourself a break...
you know you need to win the lotto...
... then you'll have ALL kinds of time to make art for yourself (and maybe others, too)...
... hope you'll remember to think of me when you're divvying up the proceeds... ;)


P.S. ... is if Friday yet?!