I must be totally insane to do this at this time of year but I figure we are all busy
running around gathering presents for everyone and that we may be short on cash
to buy new supplies for ourselves SO That being said-

I've decided to host another one-time "Paper Ephemera" swap. Here are my

1. Fill an envelope sized 8 x 10 or LARGER (**NO small envelopes**)

with paper ephemera "a.k.a. stuff" that YOU would like to receive (in other
words NO junk!!! Please!!). FILL it -ok, not just one or two pieces -but
***FILL*** (STUFFED would be nice) it as much as you can. What's acceptable?
Color copies, found papers, handmade papers, stickers, vintage paper stuff,
funky artsy tape, labels -WHATEVER. The only thing I'm asking is that it be
"useable" stuff-stuff that YOU might use-NO junk!! I need to emphasize,
please only send what YOU would like to receive back. I hope that makes
sense. In other words, YOU will receive what you send-if you send junk, I'll
send junk back to you. If you send good stuff, you'll get great stuff back.
:-) Please-you can send anything that you'd like to receive. In fact, the
more creative you can get the better these will be!! :-) If you have any
questions on this, please email me!! :-) **Please no 'crap' only send what
YOU would want to receive*** (Have I stressed this enough?) I am stressing this-by "non crap" I mean: handmade paper, collage color copies, etc... Please don't send stuff you wouldn't want to receive. NO CRAP period!

2. ********* YOU absolutely positively MUST include a SELF ADDRESSED (with your name written in both the "TO and FROM" fields!!! It must also have a PRIORITY MAIL stamp placed directly ON the front side of the envelope (Fold the envelope in half so it fits inside the one you are mailing, please). I will fill this envelope so you will get an envelope of someone else's goodies back. *Note: quite a few people last time did not do this and I shelled out over $30 in postage...plus spent a LOT of time addressing the envelopes, etc.. You MUST follow the instructions, please. ALSO note: Please only use envelopes that are BIG-absolutely NO small envelopes. It is a royal pain in the rear trying to cram a bunch of stuff in a tiny envelope. Please only send a decent sized (8 x 10 or larger) envelope with the same size (or bigger) envelope sent back!!!**************************

3. Please sign up by December 8th. I will send you my address info, etc. I would like these IN MY HANDS by December 19th. The sooner you get them in, the sooner they will go out! Absolutely NO late envelopes. They MUST be IN MY HANDS by Dec 19th. The Post Office is insane that time of year and I want these packages IN HAND **ON OR BEFORE** Dec 19th. So please plan your mailings :)

4. ONE envelope per person for this swap due to the craziness at the P.O. this time of year!!!

5. Questions? Email me at EGorey99@sbcglobal.net

I will take pictures of my "ephemera" and post this info on my blog ASAP so
you might get an idea.

Thanks :-)



Anonymous said…
I said to my husband that I would glady forgo any Christmas gifts if they found Mr. Kim alive - and I didnt even know him.

I enjoyed your blog. Do you ever give classes down here in San Diego? Laura Starr.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Laura
It is very very sad about James. I was positive they'd find him until the news came out yesterday about the clothing and then it just became a feeling of "WHY can't they find him!??!" *sigh*

I have taught at Stamp Addict in San Diego. I am ALWAYS looking for NEW locations. If you know a store in that area that may be interested, please let them know about me and let me know :) Huge thanks