Here's to a wonderful New Year...
2006 was a good year...here's that 2007 will be even better for all of us...
Happy 11th Anniversary, David. I love you...
We'll be watching "The Apartment" tonight (a New Years favorite!!)
Above are more pages that I did "at the track". BTW, my friggin' Paper Mojo order didn't come!! I keep looking at the Fed Ex "Tracking" page like a little kid "But it says Bell, CA...it's only 27 minutes away. Hmm, can I go pick it up?" At least Fed Ex'll be delivering on Tuesday unlike the Post Office that has the day off ('cause of Ford). This is the first time in U.S. history (ok, these facts come from my Mom) that the Post Office has gone without delivering mail (across the U.S.) for three straight days in a row. Lazy bastards!! (Hi Mom!-My Mom's one of the hardest working mail carriers in the U.S., right, Mom?)
'06 was a tough one for me in many ways...but I am truly hoping and prayin' for a sweet '07.
See you at Artfest???
Hugs and Happy New Year.