Happy Happy Joy Joy!! Tristan getting ready to tear into his presents. It took me almost 2 hours to wrap everything and he tore through it all in about 15 minutes. He said it was the best Christmas ever!

It was a nice, quiet relaxing day at home. I will take photos of the books I received. Also gift certificates to Paper Mojo, The Stamp Act in Marshfield, MA (I'll be teaching there again in March! I can't wait!!) and Cheesecake Factory (we used that on Christmas Eve). Ahhh quiet day! Tristan received more Legos (especially Bionicle related) then I have ever seen-we couldn't walk in the living room. David was gifted with a hard cover copy of "From Hell" (Hi Eddie, one of my favorite artist turned blogger!!!) which he was ecstatic over and animation DVDs from Japan...plus some other fun film books.

The next day we went to Santa Anita, the racetrack for opening day. David likes to go and we usually go to opening day if we are home. David and Tristan had fun watching the horses. I don't like betting on them but after having a horse look me in the eyes, I put $4 on him to win. Damnit. I lost. LOL I kept telling David (who said "It's only $4) "yes, but I could have bought a piece of paper or a stamp with that money!"

Guess what I managed to do at the track? Collage!! Yes, collage! I created 4 pages. I will be uploading them shortly. I was very proud of myself. I put a small stash of paper in a plastic bag along with a glue stick and brought a small journal. I didn't use scissors. I tore everything by hand. It was awesome. I had a blast. David and Tristan were happy.

Happy Happy Joy Joy!


karen (me-shell) said…
collage at the racetrack, that has got to be a first!!! you are a guerilla collager for sure :) merry christmas!