Flickr Flickr!

I finally took some time and uploaded a few photos to Flickr. Now if only other "web" type work were as easy as this was!!!

I took Tristan to see Charlotte's Web at Century City this morning. We met up with two of his teachers and out of 60 kids (two classes) only 5 showed up. We had fun though. The movie was great-loved the animation (and the music). My favorite scenes were when Charlotte spun her webs-yum.

All of the previews looked very bad except for one- I am quite interested in seeing what they did with Bridge to Teribithia one of my favorite books by Katherine Paterson. If you haven't read it, it still is an excellent book even one that adults will enjoy. Have a hankie nearby though...

Spent last night baking peanut butter cookies and peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies. They were supposed to be for my family in MA for Christmas...well, they're so good I'm not sure they'd make it out of the house at all. David ate most of the peanut butter ones. I bought some more stuff to make more cookies and banana bread tomorrow.

I'm not teaching tomorrow (Zinnia)
but next weekend on Saturday, I will be at Sweetpeas and Snapshots teaching my new class-Journey to the Soul. I've taught it twice and it has been a heavy favorite of my students. I'm looking forward to teaching it again-collage, bookbinding, mixed media painting...and to spend time getting to create two days before Christmas. Who could ask for anything more?
