The family tree isn't up yet but Tristan decorated his tree. He filled it with pom pom, googly eyed creatures that he made. I found the tree Saturday while teaching at Paper Post in Agoura.

Great but very busy class weekend. Thanks everyone at Stampin on Cloud 9 in Monrovia, Paper Post in Agoura Hills and Art Bar in Santa Ana.

No time to breathe this week. Tristan gets out of school every day early early as it is parent/teacher conference week. I am teaching Wed night at Stampin from the Heart in Culver City, Saturday at Violets in Ventura and then Sun I will be back at Stampin from the Heart again. Also have doctor's appointments and other stuff I need to do this week.

I have spent the last 24 hours trying to "Breathe" and calm down. Our neighbor who has never been friendly (also the same guy who assaulted my husband-tried to push him downstairs and called me the word you never call a woman) woke us up Saturday morning at 5:50 a.m. blasting his radio (so loudly you could feel it). It went on for over 2 hours. The next morning, Sunday, it was at 7:50 a.m. I got out of bed on Sunday (still in pjs) put my bathrobe on. Hubby jumped out of bed when he heard me get up (as it is waking all of us up) and got the video camera ready (LOL) in case the guy started anything. I banged on his door. He opened it. I said "Yesterday it was before 6 in the morning. Now it's before 8." He said something like "You don't have to say anything." and then walked away and slammed the door. I yelled that he was a rude inconsiderate asshole and slammed my door. He kept his stereo on. I'm just so tired of having to live like this. People tell us we should move. I can't move. WHY should WE have to move when it is HIM that is the problem. Now I need to go to talk to my landlord today-should be interesting. I have lived here for 11 + years now. He moved in a few years ago. HE is the one that is inconsiderate, threatening and just a miserable asshole. He smokes in front of our landing, in front of our window. He blasts his radio all hours of the day and night. He spits on the stairs. He leaves his trash outside his door for days leaking so we can fall in it. He has called my husband (who has never said more than a few words to him-and it was all on the day the asshole assaulted hubby) a shithead on more than one occasion. He mutters to himself constantly. He has given my son nasty looks. He has given me nasty looks. I can go on and on and on. I hate this. But I can't afford to move, bottom line. We have lived here so long we moved in just before they changed the laws with rent control. I can't go from $535 a month to over $2000 a month. I just can't.
Life isn't always roses and pretty things. I'm so tired of having to live like this. Like because I'm the one complaining (all of the other tenants in here don't say two words about ANYTHING. This frigging place could fall down and no one would say anything EXCEPT us-they don't want to "Rock the Boat"), that it is my fault.

Ponder a world where everyone has access to decent housing, healthcare, safety and more. Ponder a world where everyone cares about each other and it's not just "me me me", move out of the way I'm driving my big SUV and YOU are in my way. :(

I want to live in a world where we are all at least decent and caring about each other. Ponder that this holiday season as you rush amongst everyone at the mall. Think about the person standing next to you. Care more about the person you are giving the gift to then the gift you are giving.

Just care.

Just think.

Then act.


Anonymous said…
Oh honey. Nothing worse than a bad neighbor and great rent control! Maybe you can talk to your local crime prevention person at the never know, they may have some great ideas for you.

It just concerns me he has leered at your son, he may be mentaly ill so please talk to the PD.
Anonymous said…
This is terrible. I had a neighbor who drove me insane for 4 yrs with his bloody music. The landlords got off on it because I am in a rent controlled unit, and they peversely thought that the neighbor would force me to leave the apt. THERE IS A GOD IN HEAVEN THOUGH. After 4 yrs of hell, this nut case got very high and flooded his bathroom, leading to the drywall in the building foyer to crumble and nearly flood the building's entrance. Just desserts for the landlords I say. The landlords finally evicted the creep. You might want to consider calling the police when he plays his music at off hrs, that way you can start a paper trail in the event that he escalates putting your family at even greater risk than he already has. You might check the LA renters board too, to see what your rights and legal recourse might be.
Adriane Giberson said…

Shari Beaubien said…
Kelly, I'm just so, so sorry that you have to deal with this situation every single day. But you managed to end your post with one of the most thoughtful, heartwarming requests I've ever read. Hang in there, girl.
xoxo Shari