Betty Crocker is so done. Done Done Done. And everyone that Betty baked for better damn well appreciate the 10 batches of cookies and two loaves of banana bread that Betty baked.
Five hours in the kitchen elbow deep in cookie dough is NOT how I love to spend my time. I baked the banana bread and two batches of cookies "from the mix", everything else was completely from scratch. "From scratch" for those of you that don't remember what that means (lucky ducks you!!) means MEASURING. It means dragging out the measurement cups and trying to remember what the hell 1/3 of something is if it isn't marked on the cup. Remember, (even though I don't always write like it) I was an English major not a math major. Begone ye dreaded ruler! Rulers are for tearing paper and for beating the hell out of small children in grade school all those years ago (right, honey? Ask the husband. He knows. Ouch. Touchy subject.)
It's now 3 in the afternoon and I'm still in my pjs. Hell, after cooking all frigging day I deserve it ;) I forgot to mention I also spent an hour in the kitchen making everyone french toast. I do that every morning unless I'm teaching or have something I need to do "outside of the apartment".
Oh and if you are wondering where the pictures of the luscious Christmas treats are, I had too much flour and peanut butter on my hands to take pictures. I'm not one to whip out the camera while baking (before or after). Have you ever tried taking a picture while covered in egg and shortening? I didn't think so...
Remember, next time you are in the kitchen, kiss the cook! If the cook is you, have a cookie, you deserve it.
Fa laa laa laa laa laa laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa