My cousin George McLean took these photos of "Phil" the wild turkey. You can find out about George and Phil's relationship here.

Hope everyone is having a nice, quiet day so far.

As my cousin would say "Happy Kill a Defenseless Turkey Day!" (LOL)

So far our day has consisted of an idiot neighbor blasting (and I mean blasting-so much you can feel it) his music from 7:45 a.m. (woke us up) until 10:45 a.m. when he left. Then I made cinnamon rolls for breakfast cooking them a little under the time that the package recommended and they burned. Ce la vie. Hopefully our special pancakes will be ok. LOL What a day. Reminds me of my Grandpa who hated Thanksgiving and turkey. "I hate turkey!" It was funny.

Damn good Democracy Now show today.

I'm still in my Pjs (yay!!) and off to do some artwork. Tristan is sick and snoogery (boogery) but having fun playing games and such. We will be taking it easy hoping to get some art done. Am waiting for the digital camera to recharge so I can take some new photos to upload.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Take some time to make art, do something quiet and fun for yourself. Find a friend and make art with. Go support the small independent stores if you are going to go shopping stay away from the frigging nutty malls and big corporate chain stores. Remember the stamp, art and independent book stores are struggling right now and could really use your holiday spirit :) And for the helluva it, if you feel like taking a FUN class, I'll be at Stampin from The Heart in Culver City on Sunday at 12:30 doing a brand new class called "Unblock The Block" it is a definite GO! 310 391 0466 is the number to sign up. They are closed today & Friday but will reopen Saturday. It looks like my class on Saturday though at A Little Bizaar isn't going to be a go at all :( but they are having a big sale there this weekend and Tammie is teaching a fun looking class on Sunday there.

Any ways, don't stuff yourselves. Go for a walk. Go make art.
