I taught at Zinnia in Pasadena yesterday. Great group. Great company. Great day!! The city of Pasadena was having the street art fair (I found out later I missed the damn Doo Dah Parade AGAIN but this time it was only down the street-grrr!!). I think the "hottest" art was in and out in front of Zinnia's. (I do feel bad for all of the vendors sweltering in the 90 degree sun.)
Here are some pages I did in class (They're not "Finished". I like to work alongside the students as it helps me to demonstrate to them the ideas I'm trying to teach them AND they can see my process and how my little brain works).
Friday & Saturday we stopped in at two new stores:
Family on Fairfax in Los Angeles (across the street from Canter's-the sign is art done by Ron Rege Jr). I seriously thought I had died and gone to book/zine Heaven. I didn't want to leave but was running short on cash and parking meter time! CALL before you go there as their hours are approx Noon to 10 as I was told but we went at 9 on Saturday (this time with hubby in tow) and they were closed :( I was drooling over Brian Chippendale's "Ninja" book and was seriously hoping that they would have Julie Doucet's "Elle Humour" that I am lusting after but I guess it's just not out yet and I have to learn the fine art of patience.
Reform School Rules on Santa Monica (at Sunset Junction) had their "grand opening party" Saturday night. LOTS Of people there. I loved the store-it was so cute and full of just artsy stuff!! I found 2 zines by Nicole J. Georges (Invincible Summer), a Hummingbird stencil from Stencil1.com and two amazing pieces of art from the artomat machine. THAT Was fun!! I could have put tokens in that all day but only had $10 to spend ;) I can't wait to go back to that area as it's been awhile since we'd walked around there...lots of stuff going on!