And now for something completely different...


In case you haven't heard any "real news" lately, here are some reports and events that have happened in the last few days:

On Friday-The U.S. Senate voted for the Suspension of habeas corpus did you miss that report in the news? Make sure that you read up on it...because it doesn't just apply to "people overseas" also applies to U.S. Citizens.

I thought that this little tidbit was very interesting-
Cuba: Period Since Castro Hospitalization Undermines US Predictions

In Cuba, National Assembly President Ricardo Alarcon is calling on the Bush administration to re-think its policy of seeking regime change in that country. Alarcon said the two months since Fidel Castro’s hospitalization show the White House’s predictions of upheaval have been off-base.

  • Cuban National Assembly President Ricardo Alarcon: "One thing that has been clearly demonstrated is the schizophrenia of some in the United States, it has also shown how out of touch with reality some people are in the White House, where Condoleezza Rice seemed to be talking about another planet."-from Democracy Now!

I, too, am disgusted with what happened in Pennsylvania. My heart goes out to the little girls and to their families. My thoughts though,
so many children die needlessly daily not only around the world, but in this country as well. Why? Why do these children's deaths go unreported daily? Did you know that with the Iraq war:
Why aren't we as upset over the deaths of children outside of the U.S.? Why aren't we upset over the deaths of poor children in the U.S. and all over the world? Why does the news only focus on a select few instead of the many that die daily? Why do we allow the news media to manipulate our feelings and tell us that we should be very upset over the deaths of the young girls in PA but not elsewhere? Now, don't jump on me because of my feelings. I am upset about what happened in PA. It should make us realize and think "what the hell is going on in the world?" Why are people snapping like this? What is going on? What is happening in the world to make people crack like this?

Quote of the day:

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld: "I don't get involved in politics in the United States so you can be certain that I'm not going to get involved in politics in Nicaragua."


Aimeslee Winans said…
Hi Kelly, really like your art and your political sensibilities, so many folk are de-sensitized these days, so rock on!

hugs from aimelsee