I've been keeping a journal for 23 years now-since I was 8.

I read a post recently, someone who was commenting on a class that they took with me, and it really bothered me. First off, the posting was negative (not only about the class-but that doesn't bother me as everyone else seemed to love the class) but about the students, the attitude of the students and my attitude as an instructor.

First off, I've never considered what I do to be either "arts and crafts" or "scrapbooking". NOW, before y'all get defensive on me, let me explain. "Scrapbooking" (in my small opinion) is a wonderful way to document your life for yourself and those around you-leaving behind precious albums and memories. "Arts and crafts"-well there are a few different definitions of arts and crafts-there are artists and craftsmen (and women) who refine and perfect the glorious work that they do and devote their lives to it, then there are "arts and crafts" -fun things to do that keep us busy, and then there are "arts & crafts" -insert your own definition here. ALL of it has a place. ALL of it is "worth" something-something very "high and important".

but* when it is spoken very derogatively and negatively, then I need to adress something here.

I do not consider myself a "scrapbooker" or a "crafter". This is not something that *I* do for anyone else BUT ME. I do not document my day to day life. I do not document anything for anyone but me (that being said, Tristan, when your Mom's gone, she wants you to take damn good care of these journals that she's devoted so much of her life to). I am not a "crafter". I do not do this on weekends or from time to time. I do this daily, simply, because I "have to". I get all twitchy and anxious if I can't do art. I get bitchy and grumpy if I can't work in my journals. My journals are for ME. My journals saved me.

They are my place to "throw paint around" and "smear paint". They are my place to collage. They are my place to pour out my soul. They are my place to bitch about my life, the world around me and oh, so much more. They are my place to love and treasure my life. They are MY place to be ME.

I have been teaching art journaling, mixed media, collage, bookbinding and oh so much more for 9 years now. There are some students who take my classes wanting the comeraderie of those around them, there are some students that want to learn something new, there are some students that want to make a gift for someone or for themselves, etc... etc... etc... I love ALL of my students. The simple fact that you are there means that you are interested in something about the class. What I love even more so about my students is that most of them take the class, take the ideas, and go home and do something with them. THIS is where they "perfect" what they learned in class-THIS is where they find themselves. They take their books and their glorious backgrounds (and in all honesty, I don't consider what I am teaching you guys to be "just backgrounds" these are techniques that you can use in ANY kind of art and they can be "foregrounds" to. They
*can* be the work of art if you want them to be!)

I love it when a student has brought me back work that they have done in classes (like Judy S., Darcy, Mary Ellen, and so many of you) and you proudly say "LOOK WHAT I DID!" The fact that you TOOK THE CLASS, TOOK THE IDEAS, WENT HOME AND WORKED ON THE DAMN THING AND MADE IT YOUR OWN!!! THIS is what I want you to understand.
This is why I teach.

are extremely talented. I figured I needed to address this post in the open. I am not a crafter. I am not a scrapbooker. I do not teaching "Scrapbooking". I do not teach something called "Please your eye and whatever goes". I teach art. I teach painting techniques. I teach mixed media techniques. I teach collage. I teach bookbinding. I teach art journaling. Most importantly, I am trying to teach YOU how to find your artist, she (he) that is buried deep down inside.

Go smear some paint and have fun with it. Damnit.


Shari Beaubien said…
I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach to know that someone's insensitive comment made you this upset. You just keep on doing what you are doing, Kelly. You are a diamond, through and through. Nobody is going to be able to scratch the surface of what makes you so wonderful. If someone doesn't "get it", then that's their loss.
Kelly Kilmer said…
I agree :) I don't like "labels" of any kind. The person was very negative about not only my stuff, but more so, the students and that was what really bothered me. I had to get it out and let it go, as Lennon said ;)
Hugs and thanks to both of you!
Anonymous said…
Hey Kelly, you can't please all of the people all of the time. And who would want to!

You know you have students all over the US and around the globe who live to take your classes. I'll be coming out to LA from New Zealand again late this year to get my Kelly fix!

Looking very much forward,
Nona Parry
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Nona
Yay! Looking forward to seeing you this year!!! It will be great to see you again :)
Maybe one of those days I can get to New Zealand to see YOU! LOL!!
I know what you mean about teaching these classes. People who haven't put one together and taught think you're on easy street. The materials required for the project(s), plus the various tools needed for use during the class to put the projects together, are all expenditures the teacher has to disburse, and can amount to a nice tidy sum of money. I think you are incredibly generous to provide everything that you provide... so many teachers don't bring a whole lot anymore... but give out long shopping lists of supplies students must bring to class (even though the class fees are HIGH enough to merit providing the supplies)... THOSE are the folks on easy street... because all they're spending on is photocopying services for the hand-outs (IF they give any out) and whatever supplies they needed to make the class sample and/or the demos that they're showing during class.

Truthfully, I think you teach TOO MUCH in your classes... you give it all away in one shot. Maybe too much "freedom" to "smear paint" is bewildering to some. For others, it awakens their inner child, giving them permission to leave their every-day logical selves behind and play for a while, without point or purpose. Rock on, chickie!
Anonymous said…
Ohhh Kelly, I like you no matter what, you are my favorite Artist not only because you having Amazing Unique Killer techniques, but because you have the most amazing spirit and Are so humble! Who cares what one person says, you soooo many that say different!-Hugs to you!