"do something. Start by saying something" Suheir Hammad

David and I watched an amazing documentary last night, The Fourth World War by Big Noise Films. It probably is one of the most powerful films I have seen in a long time, amazing that we were able to see it at all. It is powerful poetry in motion. It moves you. It shakes you. It enrages you. It makes you want to act, to speak out, to do something. It speaks volumes in a world, in a time, when so many in this country are silent.

Another website for the day:



Hi Kelly...

It's genocide of another-other kind, isn't it, when you really look at it, but it doesn't even make a blip on the radar. One of my art teachers in college, Freda Guttman-Bain, who is jewish yet opposed to the occupation of Palestine has garnered herself many critics (and maybe even enemies) along the way, her own kind calling her a trator for standing up for what she believes in.

On the other hand, life is never black or white... it's all shades of gray and depending upon the perspective, one can glimpse who is "right" or "wrong"... and so... there really never is a "right" or a "wrong"... just a perspective. If we humans could only stop looking at everything from a SINGLE perspective, and walk a mile in someone else's shoes more often, then perhaps we might achieve a more "rightful" balance.

Well... that's my story and I'm sticking to it...
