I promised everyone some photos of the books I've been "acquiring" this summer. Here are a few of my favorites!
Also, here are two books from Gingko Press (http://www.gingkopress.com/)that I am REALLY looking forward to this Fall.
(sorry that I couldn't put the link in...blogger is acting weird this morning)
I am still very behind in email, so if I haven't replied to you, please don't take it personally! I'm just playing catch up with everything :)
I am also working on samples and upcoming classes in So CA, AZ (www.frenzystamper.com/), MA (www.thestampactstore.com/), No CA (www.stamperswarehouse.com/), etc... I will be in AZ and MA in October and No CA in November. Samples will be in the stores shortly. AZ has all of the samples for October.
I hope that with the end of summer coming, that people pause and reflect on what happened in this country one year ago today, Hurricane Katrina hitting the Gulf Coast and the immense loss of life. The residents there are still being affected a year later. There are a lot of places that do not have running (drinkable) water. They are "building up" the tourist areas but doing very little for the city's poor. Today's Democracy Now (www.democracynow.org/) devoted the whole show to what is going on in New Orleans a year later.