Here are two photos of my canvas that was auctioned of for Free Arts AZ! It was really hard parting with it, but I'm happy it went to a good cause. Hopefully whoever won it is going to cherish it as much as I do :)

I'm still trying to get back to "normal life" (whatever that is) after our trek to Art Unraveled in AZ.
It's my fourth year teaching/attending and I can honestly say that every year I count down the days to it! I *love* teaching there. I love being there. The whole experience is amazing and wonderful. Linda Young, her husband Chuck and their family treat you like family! They are professional, courteous and it's just like being with old friends every year-that's how welcome they make you feel.

I taught four classes to over sixty students. Every year I am amazed at how Art Unraveled seems to only get better and better (and I sit and wonder how it could have topped the previous year which I thought was perfect!??!). I love the fact that most of us stay in the same hotel and no matter where we go, we are greeted with a smile and someone willing to share their daily experiences in classes, etc... It truly is the primo art event! How many days til 2007?!?!?!

This year not only did I have the chance to teach four classes to my extremely talented students, but I got to take a class (Art of Repetition) with Juliana Coles! It was a blast-not only did it push me outside of my box (I love reusing images again and again-so it gave me a ton of new ideas) but it was nice to be "taking" a class instead of "teaching"!!! I've taken several classes with Juliana and she's one of the best in the biz.

I usually try to bring my family (my parents and my son, Tristan) who hang out in the pool (or the toy store) while I teach. This year was no different. My Mom and Dad tagged along to hang out with Tristan (and me). The only bad experience of the week was that my Mom ended up in the hospital for a day and a half (Friday and Saturday). We broke her "outta the joint" (aka hospital) Saturday night so if you saw me smiling Saturday night and Sunday it was 'cause Mom was free! She may have had a mini stroke, they still are not sure. She's out of work this week and has been going through various tests and exams as the doctors and the hospital, so keep her in your thoughts and prayers, please...TIAs and Strokes run in my family so this kinda scares the crap out of me...

If anyone saw a little boy in the pool (can we say "fishie?") or, if not in the pool, on the computer looking up Lego and Bionicle stuff, it was my son. When he's not swimming, he's building legos or drawing comics.

Next time you're in AZ, you *must* stop at the three places I was lucky enough to visit:
Frenzy Stamper in Scottsdale (Debbie has one of the most amazing stashes of the coolest, funkiest, artiest stamps around. I'm REALLY looking forward to my trek back there in October!!)
The Paper Studio in Tempe (Can we say PAPER, anyone? This place is freakin' amazing. I won't tell you how much I spent in case my husband is reading this, but it is an amazing store)
and Ink It! in Gilbert (Ok, I didn't actually "get" to go to Gilbert, but with the amount of goodies they brought daily, it felt like I was in the store)

Arizona, was as usual, another wonderful experience. I'm counting down the days til Art Unraveled 2007! If anyone has any requests on classes they'd like me to submit, feel free to email me.

Again huge thanks and kudos to Linda, Chuck, the Young Family, my wonderful students and all of my friends-and mega thanks to Mom, Dad, Tristan and David!! :)


Shari Beaubien said…
Hey, Kelly! It was great reading about you AU experience, and I'm so happy you got to take a class as well! I'm sorry to hear about your mom, though! I do hope the further testing is showing that everything is okay... My thoughts and prayers are with you! :) Shari
Adriane Giberson said…
HI Kelly!

Sounds like you had a fabulous time in AZ! Maybe I'll actually get to go next year...

The Marmont was fabulous... OMG! Wish I could live there all the time... ;)
