Sad, Shameful Day in Los Angeles

South Central Farm-

Here's an satellite view of the area. Play "find the farm".

Note the train tracks that run right next to the farm. Hmmm. Interesting. Do you know that those train tracks supply 80% of Walmart's South Western Retail Supply? Yup. No wonder why Horowitz wants that land. And you all wonder why I refuse to shop at Walmart.

Why didn't the city step in and use Eminent Domain?

My husband pointed out an interesting fact. Where did Ralph Horowitz get the money to purchase the land? The banks. Who provides the banks with the money? Us. Who really should have access to that land? Hmm...

Thanks to the Mayor, too, for laying all of the blame on Ralph Horowitz. Yeah. Mr Mayor, you could have gotten off your ass and stepped in and done something. "Relocating" these people to other "so called green spots" in L.A. isn't going to do any good. Do you know how long it takes to cultivate a farm? We know who really is in power here. It's not the Mayor and it certainly isn't the People.

Remember, Mayor
Villaraigosa the people of Los Angeles don't forget. We won't forget come the next election.

One last thing to ponder today-read this to find out Mr. Horowitz's true colors.

Photo Credit Found at LA Indy Media website
Photographer unknown


Anonymous said…
I dont live in your area, I am in the Bay Area... but the utter greed and horrendous politics that has overtaken our country is mind boggling! Disgusting really! I totally understand your sentiments.