I thought I'd be clever and take some photos of all of the books I've bought the last few weeks but my battery on my camera needs to be charged-eek. Soooooo that will have to wait (Sorry)
In the meantime, here is a postcard I created 2 weeks ago in Danville....yup, that's little me...

In the last two weeks though I've ordered not once but three times from: Anahata Katkin
Her Spare Parts Volume 1 is awesome!! I have #2 on order. I also adore her Mailing Labels. I can't cut them up though, I keep looking at them as her use of color, line and texture is just inspiring!!
I am hoping that someone picks her up in the future and puts out a book of her work a la Sabrina Ward Harrison

I'm such an art journal whore LOL I will do anything for a cool book, new art supplies, a neat funky piece of paper found on the street, etc.... I was disappointed last night with our weekly trip to Meltdown Comics, it's not their fault but there weren't any amazingly cool new books out! They DID have a copy of "Whatcha Mean what's a Zine" that I bought last week at skylight books. It's a "how to" book on zine making filled with art, quips and tips from several well knowns and favorites in the comic industry. I'm loving it and giving it two big thumbs up!! Counting down the days to Comic Con in San Diego...Our yearly mini vacation (LOL, one and a half days of running around the Convention Center in San Diego)...

Other then being on a book buying spree, so far our summer here is hotter then hell. Not that I enjoy whining, but this is ridiculous. I'm totally bummed that I am missing the Extreme Reunion in MA tomorrow night. Damnit, why couldn't it have been July 30th!?!?! Am hoping today to get some more art done...have been working in my journals lately. Also need to get some samples done for some upcoming classes. It seems we have just spent the first few days of summer running around getting errands done, doctor's visits, dentist's visits, etc.... So today it is 2 pm and I'm still in my bathrobe and PJ's! Yay! I'm going to go cut & paste for a bit and then get ready to face the world (ack)...


I love your art piece here Kelly! Wonderful colors and the text is awesome as well.
Anonymous said…
hey kelly,
just wanted to thanks for buying our book, "whatcha mean..."!
we will also be at comicon. sharing a table with jordan crane and others.
maybe we will see you there. we have book signings set up at last gasp and at giant robots booths.
last gasp th. at 5
gr sat at 5.
also, zine show we curated at junc gallery july 15th
taker care
mark and esther