Remember those days of riding in the back seat when you were a kid?

LOL I almost wrote driving in the back seat-nope, that only happens NOW a days (and when it's my Hubby, my Mom or my sister driving *ahem* and maybe a few "select friends" whom I won't name...)

But seriously, remember when you were a kid-before seatbelts were "in"?

Remember your Dad driving at night and it was cold and he'd have the window down "to get a little air" and you were freezing sitting behind him...and it was only rolled down a crack

Remember riding to (insert favorite beach here-or remembered beach) Nantasket Beach with your Mom and Sister listening to the Monkees, Neil Diamond, Stray Cats and 80's music. Occasionally getting them to play the Beatles...

Remember falling asleep in the backseat of the car and having your Dad carry you inside.

Remember going to the drive in movie in your PJs!! Your Mom would make popcorn in a brown paper bag and bring sodas (LOL Mom would do that at the regular movies too!)

Remember each time we had to help Grandpa bring the dog, Danielle and the two cats-Andy and Candy to the vet. Oh God. You'd think it meant that they were given a license to go absolutely bonkers and rip your legs to shreds (and whatever else their claws could get at)

Remember really longggggggg car trips with your family? LOL

Remember riding in the back of your Mom's Old Yellow Maverick and how hot it was back there with "slats" for windows.

Remember driving to Hull (not Hell) with your Aunt to go to the candy store...finding it closed...then she took you to McDonalds, ordered food in the drive through and had to drive away 'cause she had left her wallet at home!

Remember driving through different neighborhoods looking at the Christmas lights and being in total amazement.

Remember watching the rain drip across the windows as your Dad drove to various family get togethers...

Remember studying snowflakes fall on the window-trying to find its partner.

Remember driving in the back of your Dad's station wagon to DisneyWorld in FL...Dad running out of gas and me, Erin and Mom sitting in the car waiting for what seemed like forever...Remember how the trip started off-Dad gave us each a "Ziggy" doll for the trip...and we slept in sleeping bags in the back.

Remember trips to Building 19 in Weymouth with your Grandpa to find "treasures" and how lucky we'd be to score a new Smurf toy!

Remember driving through Dorchester, MA on "tours" of where the New Kids On the Block lived. Oh man, this one I wish I could forget LOL!!

Remember rides to visit Nana in Foxboro and how Erin and I would continuously hide each and every time in the same spot and "surprise" our parents.

Remember trips to various ice cream shops on hot summer nights-especially after a long day in the pool at Uncle Joe's house.

Remember driving to Uncle Joe's house in Middleboro and passing Frankie, Denise & the kids and then having Frankie "fly" along behind us saying that if the troopers were going to pull someone over, it'd be my Dad first (LOL).

Remember driving by "Child World" (toy store) in Dedham, MA with my face and fingers pressed against the glass pleading with my Dad to stop for just a second!!

I can't remember much more as MY 9 year old is reading this over my shoulder asking me "how many times are you going to write "I remember"..." Hmm...I wonder what he will remember.
Grab your journal...what do YOU remember from the backseat when you were a CHILD?


Kelly Kilmer said…
*Ahem* Remember when your younger sister dove at you while you were standing in front of the front GLASS door on Beale Street? Remember when that smart older sister stepped aside just in time for you to go flying through the glass? Remember how your older sister removed the glass from your arm?
Love ya Erin!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Also, I thought when they brought you home that by having a new member added to the family-that it meant we'd be getting a Dog.
I was disappointed...and only 2 1/2 at the time :}
Adriane Giberson said…
Ach... I remember riding in the back seat of my dad's car, in the middle of winter, with both parents lighting up their cigarettes the minute their butts hit the seat, and not cracking the window open because it was freezing outside until I threatened to puke (I did once, too... right in my dad's favorite cap... he just rolled down the window and chucked it into traffic, right out onto Sherbrooke Street). That oughta teach 'em... :D

I remember long car trips... to visit my godparents in Downsview, ON or family friends in Kingston, ON whenever there were long weekends, and falling asleep laying down on the back seat of the car.

I remember when seatbelts were optional, and I'd ride in the car straddling the hump, peering out the front window to see where we were going.

I remember being afraid that the Jacques Cartier Bridge would collapse while we were driving across it, and would hold my breath in increments until we reached the other side.

I remember going out to celebrate holidays at the Hungarian restaurant on St-Lawrence Blvd. and my dad getting so drunk he could barely stand... and driving back across that same bridge with him as he zig-zagged across all the lanes, including into oncoming traffic, laughing like a maniac, while I'm sitting in the back seat, screaming hysterically and my mother is yelling at me to shut up and yelling some choice words at my dad, ordering him to quit driving like an idiot... ahhh... those were the days.

Oh... and then there were the house parties where he'd get similarly sh*t-faced and smack the car into the same snowbank every year, without fail. My mom and I would set off on foot for the homestead, and by the time he'd shovel the car out, he'd be sobered up enough to drive home. Good times, good times...
