Other then being with David & Tristan, nothing makes me happier then:
(in no particular order)
1. cutting, pasting, painting, writing...
2. reading a damn good book!
3. walking in the woods-any place with lots of trees
4. Finding something really cool and unusual to take a picture (s) of and use in my journals
5. finding a damn good art book in the book store and squealing with delight over the art in it!
6. watching something GOOD on DVD (or VHS or Laser) with the hubby (lately we have been watching Season one of Hill Street Blues-*love* that show...I was only a young'in when it was originally on so I don't remember it...but I am really enjoying it. Also "Kung Fu"-we're on the last season and I don't want it to end..that was a GREAT show!)
7. Halloween and that whole "season" especially when it FEELS like Autumn (leaves, cold, etc...)
8. smooshing paint on paper and finding unusual color combinations and getting that a ha moment
9. traveling some place that I "love" like Ireland (been there once but I loved it); Berkeley, CA; Salem, MA; Seattle, WA; Fort Collins, CO; etc...
10. Walking ...especially if I have a big (or little) hand to hold!
Those are some of my favorite things...to name a small few ;)
Lots of things going through my mind lately...trying to stay positive (as noted above) but it's hard...Very hard some times...
Remembering the 36th Anniversary of Kent State May 4, 1970...and OH Governor Rhodes quote:
"We are going to eradicate the problem. We're not going to treat the symptoms."
People seem to get upset with some of my posts. But, you know what? This "stuff" is important to me. People may classify some of what I think, ponder and worry about as "politics" and "stuff" you're not supposed to "talk about". I classify it as "life" and it's the life we're in right now. In my small opinion, the only way to possibly make it better is to start to engage in rational conversations with each other. We've been taught for years that we shouldn't talk about these things and now we don't know how. We're bombarded with press releases as news telling us what we should and shouldn't think, what we shouldn't talk about. I strongly feel that the more we talk about things, the more we can possibly change for the better. If you don't like what I write, I'm sorry. But it's part of my life just as much as it is part of your life. It's my responsibility just as it is yours.
I am happy for your voice. Me, I am a listener not so much an activist so your voice is important! Don't stop speaking your mind! Some of us like it!
(I know you won't!!)