One of my latest pages in my book...
The other photo is one of my bookshelves (ahem, "one" of many)...Faves from that shelf: Off Screen (I LOVE this book); Learning by Heart by Sister Corita Kent; Graffiti Brasil; Melissa Sweet's Bird cards; Drawing from Life-J. New....those are my "must haves" from that shelf. :)
Yes, that is artwork-my 10 year anniversary "card" from my hubby, a metal hand from Roseann, and below is parts of "art presents" that my son made me.
Recent acquisitions include:
Peel Magazine
www.peelmagazine.com/100 Posters, 134 Squirrels: A Decade of Hot Dogs, Large Mammals, and Independent Rock: The Handcrafted Art of Jay Ryan
The Fate of the Artist- Eddie Campbell
The great Howard Zinn's Just War-if you haven't read "A People's History of the United States" by Zinn Visit the local library NOW.
If you are in the L.A. area, tomorrow (Saturday) May 13th from 11 to 6 at Meltdown comics http://www.meltcomics.com/ Stop on in for their first ever, monthly "shop" (held outside of the shop, though you have to go through the front doors to get in!)
7522 Sunset Blvd. (cross street is N. Gardner)
http://feltclub.com/I thought that this was a WONDERFUL website that I had to share:
http://baldisbeautiful.org/Lastly, for today-
I am now totally addicted to this soup I found at Whole Foods "ready to go" in a pourable "Box" that is Tomato and Red Pepper Soup. Yum Yum. Want a healthy meal? Cut up some veggies and throw some rice into it. Cook a little bread with it. 15 minutes-ding! Done! More time to make art, play with Tristan and hang out!!!
Anyone else not looking forward to the heat of summer?? Ugh! Can't it stay NICE like it is now in L.A.-70 somethin' ;)