I've been tagged TWICE!!! Thanks Angela
This is the first tag. The second one will follow shortly...
And yes, this is a picture of my "Rocky" wearing MY pink sunglasses...and yes, I AM weird.
In my fridge:
Barqs Root beer 'cause y'all know it's one of my "Must haves"
Lots and lots of tomatoes
Tazo Black UNSWEETENED iced tea (yup, I make it myself and stick it in the fridge)
Reeses ice cream though I am finding that I prefer a trip to Coldstone's and getting their Strawberry Shortcake Serenade ice cream these days instead of eating ice cream at home...eek! I must be getting old! LOL! There's nothing like a trip to the ice cream parlour! (Always thinkin of those "good ol' days" in Boston-trips to Dairy Queen, Friendlys (that's THE place for a Reeses ice cream sundae), and all of the local ice cream shops!! I miss those places in L.A!
In my closet:
Lots of clothes that I haven't worn that I need to get out and donate them!
Toys, toys and more toys from when *I* was little-my care bears, smurfs, poppits, and more...
My old cassettes (*sigh* those were the days-Extreme, Hardline, Nelson, etc...)
Tristan's baby clothes -the ones that I've saved and can NOT get rid of
My husband's old OLD OLD clothes that HE can't get rid of but they are falling apart! (LOL)
In my purse:
Burts Bees lipstick and chapstick
My datebook full of all of my "must have" info including my classes for 2006 and 2007 (eek!)
My small notebook that I write occasional notes in when I can't bring my journal with me
My Micron pens
My mini wallet that I bought from Keely Barham ages ago that I love (though I need a new one!)
In My (14 year old) Car:
Rocky-my Pound Puppies dog that we bought in Vale, CO and took the trip home with us last month
My "Good luck" care bear key chain
Lots of collage crap for classes that "lives" in the trunk of my car
lots and lots of 1" bristle brushes, waxed paper and paper towels for classes
an old, outdated Thomas Guide that I never use anymore (for the most part) thanks to Mapquest
(I'm adding this one)-
On my Bookshelf:
Hard Laughter-Anne Lamott
Gray Horses-Hope Larson
Concrete to Canvas
Learning by Heart-Sister Corita Kent
lots of artwork from family (David and Tristan), friends including Roseann, Venita, Lillian, Tiffini, Sarah, Tammie and more!
I tag...
Tag! You're it!
It's about a woman whose Dad has a brain tumor and how it effects her family, her life, etc... Anne went through the same thing. I love her books and have read everything she's ever written.
If someone can figure out a way for males to WANT to get rid of their clothes, I'd appreciate some suggestions.
"BUT MY MOM GAVE ME THAT!" doesn't help the situation...
Of course he doesn't wear anything I BUY him...but he does wear MY t-shirts that I wore 15 years ago LOL!!! Yup, that's where my Banana Splits t-shirt went to...my Oingo Boingo t-shirt, etc...