UPDATE on Emily Quinlan:

Emily is still waiting for her treatment plan so that she can start her chemo. The goal is to keep her leukemia "smoldering" while her liver heals.
This will give them time to look for bone marrow donors.


These are the upcoming drive I have:
March 18, 2006 - Chatham, MA Chatham Rec Center., 12 Hitching Post, Rd, Chatham, Saturday, March 18 from 10AM - 4PM
March 24, 2006 - New Bedford, MA. First Unitarian Church, 71 8th Street, New Bedford, MA, Friday, March 24 from 2PM-8PM.
March 25, 2006 - Cohasset, MA. St. Anthony Church Hall, 10 Summer Street, Cohasset, MA, Saturday, March 25 from 10AM-4PM.
March 26, 2006 - Danvers, MA. Masonic Temple, 30 High Street, Danvers, MA, Sunday, March 26 from 10AM-3PM.
April 5, 2006 - San Diego CA. NorthMinister Presbyterian Church, 4324 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard San Diego, CA
Apr 8, 2006 - Merrimack, NH St. James United Methodist Church, 646 DW Highway, Merrimack NH, Saturday April 8 from 11AM - 4PM

Also, there are some fundraisers coming up:

Disco Ball
Friday, March 24, 2006 at 7:00pm
Riverview @ Hudson Portuguese Club,
Port St, Hudson, MA

Sydney Jo's Hope Chest
1st Annual Dinner-Dance
April 29th 2006
5:45 to Midnight
DiBurro's Ball Room
Ward Hill MA

PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN!!! Emily is 18 years old and is fighting strong!! (Her photo and more info are further below in my blog)

PLEASE pass this on to ANYONE who may be able to help or donate.

"The donor marrow has to match genetically with the recipient, and Emily's heritage:
Italian (Stromboli, Lipari, Sicily, Travaglia), Azorean (Flores, and others, Lourenco, Rodgrigues, dos Santos, Ferreira), Irish and Native American."
