I wasn't sure what photo to use today...not sure of what would "fit" sooo.... I lifted this photo of Emily off of one of the websites...

I was feeling really down yesterday-long story. Won't go into it here...but one of my stupid "down" days that I only get once in a blue moon. One of those days when you don't feel like you are "enough" or "good enough".

Well, now I feel like a f***** idiot for feeling like that today. I get daily (almost) updates on a family friend, Emily Quinlan (she is my Dad's Goddaughter) who has been in the hospital on again/off again (lately it's a whole lot on again) battling leukemia. Make a Wish foundation had a couple of her friends fly from San Diego to Boston (Children's Hospital) to visit with her for a few days. Every day I sit and pray and send good thoughts her way...every day I read the updates and hope-wish-pray...for something good. They put photos of Emily up today. The last photos they had of her -she was yellow. Now she's green-even her eyes. This beautiful girl who is one of the coolest, nicest, kindest people on the face of the planet looks like a superhero character. I've never seen anyone that color. I'm sitting here feeling stupid for how I felt yesterday when there is so much real shit in the world to worry about. War. Homeless. Hungry. The Sick.

I've posted this before, but I need, want, *have* to reiterate it today-

Please please please if you know anyone who can help-anyone who might be even remotely interested in becoming a bone marrow donor, please register. Register today. You don't know who you could save-please.

"The donor marrow has to match genetically with the recipient, and Emily's heritage:
Italian (Stromboli, Lipari, Sicily, Travaglia), Azorean (Flores, and others, Lourenco, Rodgrigues, dos Santos, Ferreira), Irish and Native American."

San Diego bone marrow drive for Emily Quinlan:

April 5th from 6-9pm at the Clairemont Northminster Presbetirian Church, on Clairemont Mesa Blvd. (across from Kragen)

There are also drives in MA:
MARCH 4 , 2006 - 10AM - 4PM / VFW POST / 82 INGELL STREET / TAUNTON, MA DOWNLOAD FLYER : Questions contact Barbara O’Leary at 781-964-8299, bornesq@yahoo.com

MARCH 26 , 2006 - Danvers, MA. Masonic Temple, 30 High Street, Danvers, MA, Sunday, March 26 from 10AM-3PM.

More drive info is at


Please please please help Emily fight and win!


Hashi said…
I've said this before, but I'll repeat it: I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO GET ON THE MARROW DONOR REGISTRY! Donating marrow is not like donating a kidney! For a little inconvenience you can save a life! Please do it!
tiffini elektra x said…
The picture is absolutely beautiful. Both Eric and I are going to go register next week. Thank you for the heads up and reminder to do what you can do!