I thought I'd post a couple of photos of my *ahem* "studio space/living room" area. This is "my corner" right as you walk in the front door. It's even messier right now at almost 11 a.m. as I proceed to get ready to teach in CO next weekend (Artists' Nook in Fort Collins) AND for some weird reason, I've decided I need to "clean" as I prep. *sigh* It's art I want to do, but here I am cleaning :P
The hardest part of packing for a trip for me can be broken down into three parts:
A. Realizing that I'm leaving home-which bums me out when my family isn't going with me...(Tristan will be with me this time, but David will be home :( )
B. Trying to figure out what to pack for "collage stuff"-I can't always fit my Pink Barbie On Wheels Case in the rental along with everything else I need to bring so what do I DO? LOL
C. Trying to figure out what books to bring..eek! We are driving to CO-me, my Mom and my son..it's an almost 16 hour drive and that gives lots of looking out the window/reading time...what to do, what to do ;)
I haven't been able to do "much" artwork lately as I have been spending most of the time prepping for CO, and last week (plus part of this week) was spent doing all car related stuff. Luckily the state of CA gave us a two year waiver to get the car fixed (read: engine replaced) but the stuff that they make you go through is amazing. I will post that "rant" in another note. Let's put it this way, for "low income" working people, in order to go through their "program and receive an extension" you have to spend a ton of money (we had to pay for THREE smog checks-they amounted to over $200 worth of work) not to mention the fact that you miss days/hours worth of work. It not only made me miss a ton of my own work but hubby missed a lot as well. So it is not "worker friendly".
A Short List of Recommended Reading/Eye Candy:
Street Art by Louis Bou
Index A by Charles Wilkin
Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez-a wonderful children's book about an amazing man
One last comment for the day, those of you in favor of either of the two new bills that they are trying to pass on immigrant workers (both bills I disagree with, BTW), just remember this: there are over 3 million children of Immigrant workers in this country. Most of these children were born here which makes them US Citizens. If their parents are deported, families will be ripped apart-where will they go? Just one thing that they are not covering on the news...Though, surprisingly, the news is covering a lot about the marches though I don't agree with the numbers that they are reporting (I think they are much higher-especially after the people that I saw in the LA area on Saturday-tons of marchers in the a.m. and then almost 10 hours later!)
thank you for posting the photos of your mess! I busted up laughing out loud... only because it looks all too familiar! LOL!