Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone! Am too tired to find any artwork done in green-so I found this woman wearing green on one of my books (LOL)
Took my kiddo to school this morning (dressed him in green) but was too sleepy to find a green shirt for ME so I wore pink. TWO moms stopped me and asked why wasn't I wearing green (figure this out-one was NOT wearing green either). I told her that I was Irish and didn't have to wear green. LOL
Some interesting "Irish" trivia this morning-google or go to wikipedia.com and look up info on the San Patricios...and the treatment of the Irish in the US...the stereotypes that still exist to this day. Very interesting indeed given all of the "debates" on immigration into this country (*sigh*-I guess no one remembers that basically everyone who came into this country except the Native Americans were immigrants).
"Dissent makes this country healthy." -Amy Goodman host of Democracy Now! www.democracynow.org/
Great books that I have found lately:
-ANYTHING on the artist Hunderwasser I LOVE his artwork and have been wanting to purchase something with his art in it for a long time. I finally found two old (full color) books at a local used bookstore.
-The latest 3x3 Illustration Annual magazine It's got a $19 cover price on it but it's full of inspiration
-"What Shall We do without Us?" Kenneth Patchen-found used as well
I think I've bought at least 15 books in the last two weeks so I will list more later...
OH and hubby found on google last night, a brilliant "re-edited trailer" of Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining". It makes it out to be a completely DIFFERENT film then the original. Sooo, that being said, if you've seen the original, you HAVE to watch this online. It's hysterical!!! http://www.ps260.com/molly/SHINING%20FINAL.mov