It's so funny, even the simplest change on a computer can mess me up, but with art I just flow with it. Maybe 'cause it's because I "get" art but don't "get" computers. I'm lucky enough I know how to do THIS blog. LOL

Here are some of the postcards I have made and have available. I'm going to upload two images-The top postcard of page one is the front and the top postcard of page two is it's back...same thing for the bottom one. I hope that makes sense. I have handmade, original postcards for $10 each...or if you want one specialized and custom made with something specific $15 each.

I have been up since 7 a.m. and so far have accomplished nothing but email, exercising,did the dishes, made french toast and it's not 10:39. Am still in my PJ's typing away. Managed to cut up some papers and put together a swap I need to send out, but other then that-nada! And yup, Mom arrives at 10:15 tonight. The apartment is as clean as it's gonna get. Tristan didn't clean up his room as well as I would have liked, but oh well. What to do this weekend?? Maybe I'll take Mom & Tristan out to Oak Glen since we've never been but have wanted to go..or maybe to the Getty? Or to the Huntington Gardens...hmmm....

When will I find time to sit on the floor to cut & paste?
